Do You Ever Wonder What You Did to Deserve Some People in Your Life? Here Is The Answer!

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“I recently realized that, my life is “sending me” people, in whom I can see my reflection- they have qualities, which I myself possess and that way I get to see myself from the side. Because people often point out something they see in my character and getting the chance to meet people who have the same qualities, is an opportunity to I get a deeper view of who I am!”

Outstanding words! And the best part is that, this was said to me by a person who I have the opportunity to be my friend! Lately, my life is getting richer with true, unique people, who give more value to my personality and in the same time they offer me a different point of view…

The words mentioned above, made me think deeper. Until then I realized that life “sends” us people, who have the task to teach us something! People, who are supposed to show us how we treat others, or how we treat ourselves!

But, just when I (more…)

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