Workout of the day, november, 18
*AMRAP- as many rounds as possible If you are a beginner, scale: AMRAP in 10min: 10 push press or if you can 30 seconds handstand hold 15 band assisted pull…
Workout of the day, November, 10
If you are a beginner, scale: Walking lunge 100 ft. 15 horizontal Pull-ups or band assisted 15 Sit-ups Walking lunge 100 ft. 12 horizontal Pull-ups or band assisted 12 Sit-ups…
Workout of the day, October, 11
If you are a beginner scale: 25m walking lunges 10 push ups on knees 25m walking lunges 15 push ups on knees 25m walking lunges 10 push ups on…
Workout of the day, September,25
If you are not advanced scale the workout this way: 3rounds: 10 sledgehammer hits 20 box jumps 30 knee push-ups 20 walking lunges If you do not have a sledge-hammer,…