"Pepperana" Salad with Tuna and Eggs

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Image source: http://www.partial-ingredients.com/archives/category/lunch

Don’t ask me why the salad is called “Pepperana”. I have no idea, and even if it sounds like something strange that I would name it, it is not a product of my imagination. But it turned out to be delicious, so I decided to share the recipe with you, so you could try it and express your own opinion.

Ingredients: (more…)

Delicious Salad with Tuna and Mackerel

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Image source: http://kickstartfatloss.net

I love sea food! I ADORE it! I love eating fish, but most of all I love mackerel. that’s why more often than not, that’s my pick. Sometimes I like eating tuna, but I can hardly ever get satiety, if I do not add a solid amount of fat. That’s why today I decided to share with you a delicious salad with mackerel and tuna.

Ingredients: (more…)

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