Workout of The Day, January,28

When you fail to complete the thrusters you have in one minute, go aside and (more…)
Workout of the day, January,5
If you are a beginner, scale: AMRAP in 7 min: 2 thrusters 5 horizontal pull ups or band assisted pull ups 10 burpees without the pushup 15 swings DO the…
Workout of the day, December, 12
If you are a beginner, scale: AMRAP in 10min: 10 thrusters (scale the weight r use just a PVC pipe) 15 burpees without the push up 50 single jumps on…
Workout of the day, November, 21
If you are a beginner scale the time to 30 sec.
Workout of the day, November, 14
If you are a beginner scale the weight of the squats and the thruster and do 10 swings instead of 20!
Workout of the day, October, 23
If you are a beginner scale: 3/ 6/9/12 Thrusters( pick an appropriate weight) band assisted pull-ups or horizontal pull ups If you are advanced: 3/6/9/12/15 Thrusters 30kg/ 20kg chest to…
Workout of the day, October,2
Do the running after each round. Meaning after you complete the first round of 21 reps of each exercise, run 400m. Do the 400m run after the 15 reps and…
Workout of the day, September,24
If you are a beginner, scale the workout by doing 90 jumps on the jumping rope instead of 30 double unders. If you are using a heavier kettlebell-do russian…