How and Why I Stay Motivated to Train?

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If you’ve been reading my blog, you probably know that I love sharing my thoughts about how I feel in the gym and why working out is such an important thing in my life.

For me a workout is not just the time, when you gather all the will you have left, then go to the gym, make yourself suffer a little bit, praying that you’ve done something right and hopefully you manage to get in a better shape.

For me the gym is something like my temple. And a workout is my holy time. A part of the day when time and space do not exist. A time of the day when nobody and nothing bothers me. Even if I am surrounded by a bunch of people, in my mind it is just I and the weights.

The time, when once again I realize how much a workout resembles real life. The moment when I remember that just as in life everything depends on us and we are those that control everything… In the gym I once again realize that we are the once who train in order to determine the outcome of our goals and efforts. Everything is in our hands. Weights are just an instrument, and a workout is just the right place and time to execute the task.

It resembles life! Where everything we have is just an instrument, (more…)

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