How to Reject Food Politely!

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„Try just a bite!”

“ Try it, I made it just for you!”
“ If you do not wanna have cake, I won’t either, and I’ve been craving it all day long!”

“ Get some pumpkin pie, it is a family tradition. Do you really want to be the first one that will stop it?”

If you are on the road of eating healthy, probably you often hear words like the one posted above! Sometimes the feeling is terrible, when other people try to make you feel guilt, just because you are trying to take care of your health but in their eyes you just belittle their hard work, by refusing to try the meals they cooked!

People are born with an instinct, to know when we are hungry and when we are full! Unfortunately somewhere early in our childhood, we lose that instinct. Part of it is due to the people, who are part of our lives and the meaning they give to food! I guess that all of you know how food is associated with something more than “just satisfying your physical needs of energy”. Food has become a way to express your love, a premise to get closer to others, a way to honor traditions, to show your respect and appreciation for others!

I remember the terrifying feeling I used to experience when (more…)

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