Which Diet Helped Me Get in Shape?

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A picture of me before I started taking care of myself…in between…
Ines Subashka
…and today when healthy eating is a lifestyle!

Lately I receive a lot of messages from people, who ask me to recommend them a “quick diet”, which could help them lose weight! The other day a friend of mine even went further telling me “ Ines, I have a huge problem! The sister of my wife, just gave birth to her child and she gained a lot of weight! What pills would you recommend her, in order to lose weight, because she is not really keen on working out and following a nutrition plan!”

Truth is that if you are looking for quick diets… there are a bunch of them! They are really quick… the question is what direction they will send you! Unfortunately, no matter how much you wouldn’t want to hear it, these “quick diets” will take you everywhere, just not in the direction towards your more athletic body, toward a fitter and healthier you!

Have you noticed how “the laws”, which apply in one field of life, are applicable in all other fields? What helps you become successful in one field, usually is the base of success in your other initiatives!

The same is true for the way you approach your body, your diet and your workouts! It takes 12 years to graduate high school, 4-5 years to graduate college! It takes your whole life, to improve in your career  and year after year to grow and become better experts! Everything happens with accumulation! Two weeks of studying won’t guarantee you a prosperous career in the next 10 years!

In the same manner, two weeks on a diet, won’t guarantee you being fit and fabulous in the next 10 years! As it is (more…)

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