Stanislav Iliev: The Life Where EVERY DREAM becomes reality!

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Stanislav Iliev (Findo)

Ines Subashka: How did you get involved in competitive sports and more specific in rowing?

Stanislav Iliev: I got involved in sports since I was 5-6 years old. I used to wrestle, I did track, taekwondo, dances. I played a lot of sports, till I started doing kanu kayak. I was just fascinated since the beginning. At my first competition I placed first and I just couldn’t stop from there on!

Ines Subashka: What motivates you every day to wake up and greet the new day full of enthusiasm  and the strive, you demonstrate in everything you do?

SI: Every day, the first thing I do when I wake up is plan my workout. After I work out, I feel strong, alive… I am ready to do everything! And from then on I am full with energy to go to work and do my job, which once again has to do with sport!

Stanislav during one of my workouts 🙂

Ines Subashka: Nowadays, most people seem like they gave up on living, and decided to just keep existing. What is it that keeps the fire burning inside of you? What is it that gives you strength to dream and never give in to the ugly reality, in the name of doing just the things you love? (more…)

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