Do You Use Your Success As An Excuse?

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 People often forget that the things that make us successful in one area of our life have the potential to make us successful in other areas of life! I’ve noticed that principles which apply in life, could be referred also to business, sports, nutrition, relationships and so on.

I often hear people (more…)

January Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

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It is time for January’s Top 10 Articles. Below I picked up 10 of the articles that gathered the most attention during the past month! Beneath each headline I wrote a short summery. If you’d like to read the whole article just click on the hyperlink! Enjoy! (more…)

Are You Setting Yourself For Failure?

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I have stopped saying “I can’t” as in, “I can’t eat that ….”
What I say, and mean, is: “I choose not to eat that”.
“I choose not to eat that” gives me power
I am in control of what I put into my body. I have made a conscious choice and I decide every second what I want. I am not passive, or swept away by emotion or helpless under duress or temptation.

I’ve noticed that the self talk part is really important. It either sets you for success or it sets you for failure! If you constantly (more…)

How We Could Use The Minimalist Approach To Workouts And Nutrition?

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Have you heard about minimalists? Do you know who they are? It is simple! These are people who are satisfied with living with the things they really need! No luxury, nothing unduly! Consumerism and caprice are foreign to them! What does all this have to do with workouts and nutrition? Well read… (more…)

Do You Have What It Takes To Make This Commitment?

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They say that it is our last year on Earth. I don’t believe it. I think it is the year of new opportunities, the year to make a change and take our life where we want it to be!That is why I decided to create a “contract”, that everyone of you could open in a pdf file, print it and sign it! After that you should put the contract somewhere, where you could see it all the time, and remind yourself what you made a commitment to do!

You are probably thinking… “ Why would I do this?”. The answer is pretty simple! It is said that a person has a better chance to (more…)

Emmanuel Smith- The Future Crossfit Champion?

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Emmanuel Smith

Today the interview is with Emmanuel Smith. Probably you’ve heard of him or probably you haven’t, but I bet that in the future his name will become more and more popular! Check out what Emmanuel had to share with us. Where did he start from, where he is now and where he hopes to go in life! (more…)

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