The Loser in the Gym… the Hero in Life!

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Don’t judge…

You have no idea…

You don’t know anything…

You see a person struggling to squat with 50kg, struggling to run a lap, struggling to jump, lunge or climb.

You think it is lack of motivation…

Lack of will…

Lack of strength…

Lack of conditioning…

Lack of effort…

 But you don’t know anything!

You see him (more…)

Do You Always Start On Monday?

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It is Monday.

Yesterday you promised that on Monday you will start eating healthy!

Yesterday you promised that on Monday you will start working out.

Yesterday you promised that on Monday you will take your life in control.

Yesterday you promised that you will quit making excuses.

Yesterday you promised that you will commit to reaching your potential.

And today it is Monday…

You just ate a donut for breakfast and (more…)

How Long Will the Pain Last?

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The day just started…and my strength is already gone….

I feel tired. I am hardly breathing. Seems like I am struggling to take a breath, trying to get rid of something that weighs like a burden. It is stuck in my chest and it is breathing my oxygen.

My pulse is racing. My heart is beating faster and harder. Just like my thoughts are rushing through my mind- they are rushing to remind me about their existence and leave behind them a loud echo, that is deafening everything around.

The bar is heavy, but (more…)

What Are You Waiting For?

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What are you waiting for?

Are you happy with where you are now? Are you happy with your job? Your body? Are you satisfied with the results you get? Are you satisfied with your marriage?

People come to me everyday and say the same thing:

“I will start tomorrow.”

“I will start on Monday.”

“I will start next month.”

“I will star when my exams are over.”

And what happens? (more…)

What Are You Hungry For?

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What are you hungry for?

We think that we are hungry for a better body!

We confuse ourselves that we are hungry for a better job…

We think we are hungry for more friends to count on…

We use food for comfort, when we truly need a caring word, a shoulder to cry and a helping hand to give us strength to get back up!

We dedicate everything (more…)

Do You Use Your Success As An Excuse?

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 People often forget that the things that make us successful in one area of our life have the potential to make us successful in other areas of life! I’ve noticed that principles which apply in life, could be referred also to business, sports, nutrition, relationships and so on.

I often hear people (more…)

Why I Do What You Don't?

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People often ask me “Why do you workout like that? Can’t you just move a little as other people do? This hard workouts and vigorous, intensive loading is for professional athletes!”Right there, in this moment, when I hear this something stabbs my heart. Seems like the pain hidden deep inside my heart starts crying. Seems like it is flapping in my heart, trying to remind me for my lost dreams,hopes and expectations… (more…)

January Top 10: 10 Things Worth Reading!

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It is time for January’s Top 10 Articles. Below I picked up 10 of the articles that gathered the most attention during the past month! Beneath each headline I wrote a short summery. If you’d like to read the whole article just click on the hyperlink! Enjoy! (more…)

How To Find Solution To All Your Problems?

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It’s the end of January. Remember the New Year’s resolutions? How far did you make it? Did you even start with some of your resolutions? Or they are just somewhere in the history? Have your life changed for the better?

Did you ever ask yourself the question “Why do some people succeed and others don’t?” Ok, (more…)

The Measure of a Day: What Does It Mean?

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How do you measure your day?

What is on your mind when you go to bed at night?

What makes you proud of what you are and what you’ve done?

What is it that makes you eager to fall asleep every night, and wake up in the morning?

What is it that gives you a feeling of completeness?

What is it that (more…)

Michael Hristov: The Boy Who Outran His Fate!

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Michael Hristov

Do you know what it is like to know about a person, you’ve never met…a person who doesn’t know about your existence, but somehow when you hear his name or some new about his accomplishments in life and in sport, your heart fills with pride? Pride that even though the world is full of pessimists, there are still ambitious, hard working and worthy people. People who are among us, to use their self example in order to motivate us, to give us hope when we feel down and give us strength when we feel weak!

Michael Hristov is one of these people! He is a unique example about the limitless possibilities of the human nature, about strong will and brave heart! When he is only 15 years old, a bad accident happens, and he got both of his arms amputated! Thus, this bad incident takes him to a place, where Michael gets the opportunity to show what he is made of! Michalel enters the world of track and field, and shows us that in the future we will be hearing about him and his records more often! Check out what Misho shared with us and “steal” at least a small part of the optimism and the desire to live, that this boy has (more…)

I Have The Insane Idea That I Could Be More! What About You?

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Image source: facebook group Women of Crossfit=Strong

They say I aim too high…

They say I expect way too much…

They say I am too stubborn…

They say I should slow down…

They say I am a big dreamer…

Call me an overachiever, but I refuse to put up with being mediocre!

Tell me that I have high expectations, but I refuse (more…)

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