2 Hidden Ways That You May Be Lowering Your Metabolism and Gaining Fat
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2 Hidden Ways That You May Be Lowering Your Metabolism and Gaining Fat

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Humans differ from all other creatures by their consciousness and their ability to take responsibility for their actions. As conscious beings we often harm ourselves more than we help ourselves.…

How Many Times A Day Should You Eat?

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Image source: http://www.bodybuilding.com

What is the most common recommendation that you’ve heard about healthy eating? Probably “eat more often, but in smaller quantities”. But is that really the best thing you could do?

This is …. That is the kind of “ it doesn’t have one particular, accurate answer. You will meet as many followers of the “more often, in smaller quantities” mantra, as  those of the mantra of eating 2-3 times a day, in quantities big enough to make you feel full. That is why today I decided to share my opinion on the topic, which is based on my own experience and the results I got/

For a long time I was following “the rule” of (more…)

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