That's Why You Are Mediocre!

People don’t live mediocre, because their true self is mediocre. They act this way, because they abandoned their true self! They adopted the false perception of people around them and started seeing themselves as “not special” and “not smart enough”. And because this is the way they see themselves, this is the way they act!
The headline was just a desperate try to attract your attention! I don’t think you are mediocre! 😉
I often mention, how I wish more people could see the world, the way I see it. If they could look through the surface and beyond the limitations, and see the sparkle of the unlimited. If behind the ugliness, they could see the glazing smile of the beauty. If behind the clumsy, they could see the seed of potential, which is waiting to be “fed”, in order to burst!
In each situation and every time I meet a person, I give my best to never judge others! I give my best to never make conclusions way too fast- about other people’s behavior or words. But I hardly ever succeed to do this, when somebody is belittling the hard work and accomplishments of others. No matter how hard I try, I always get a little irritated when somebody instead of setting the fire, from the sparkle of talent in somebody, gives his best to extinguish it!
They say that truly (more…)