Do You Ever Wonder Why Life Is So Unfair? Here Is The Reason!

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“When you take the full responsibility for something, then you earn the full control over it”

The life of a victim… the life, which most people live, but rarely dare to acknowledge it! Why do so many people live with the feeling, that the world is a dark, unfair place to be? Why do so many people, think that they are surrounded by evil, false, hypocritical people? Why do so many consider, that to be alive is something like a punishment, which you are supposed to put up with?

The answer even though at first sight an enigma, in reality is so obvious and simple- because most people are too much into the role of being victims! They have long ago given up the responsibility for their own life and their own actions, by giving the opportunity to everybody around and the unplanned circumstances, to dictate the direction of their life! And you consider this “not fair”?

I consider it to be faint-hearted! Of course, when you are driving a car and there is a passenger next to you, but in one moment you decide that you can’t do it anymore and you let go of the wheel, whining how all other driver are “idiots”, the person next to you won’t stay impassively watching… he will take the management! It is the same with your own life… when you give up the responsibility for it and just put up with whining and letting others feel sorry for you, somebody else will take the “direction” of your life and you will become a doll of your own life!

And if right now you are at a stage of your life, where you are skillfully playing the role of a victim… I am not judging you! I just want to make you think about it!

There were moments, when I wondered why some things happen to me… I used to (more…)

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