She was sitting alone in the park. The thoughts were chasing each other in her head, and became more and more deafening… each of them fighting to attract more attention. Expectations, hopes, disappointments… a rush of mixed feelings and a wave of emotions. Her soul was fighting with the demons… the demons from her past, who weren’t allowing her to be herself! The demons, who thought that they were protecting her naked soul from the evil, jealous world, and in reality they were just stripping it more and more…
I was sitting alone in the park and I decided to stand up… to brush off each expectation and desire, that others had for me, brush off what was outweighing in every choice I made, every action I took…
You just woke up. It’s a new day and just the thought of getting out of bed and facing the new day is scaring you to death! You feel lonely, robbed… empty. The emotions are raving inside your fragile body and you are feeling so steeped in pain… just one more hit from life and you are hardly ever gonna find the strength to get back up!
Memories from the past are running through your mind… moments of happiness, pride, satisfaction… as if they are reinforcing your desperation and dead-lock… the desperation that your future will never get close to the beauty of your past days!
That’s how my day looked, exactly 5 years ago. On that day, my dreams shattered into pieces. Everything (more…)
A beggar had been sitting by the side of the road for thirty years.One day a stranger walked by.“Spare some change?” mumbled the beggar.”I have nothing to give you,” said the stranger. Then he asked: “What’s that you’re sitting on?”“Nothing, ” replied the beggar. “Just an old box. I’ve been sitting on it for as long as I can remember.”“Ever look inside?,” asked the stranger.“No,” said the beggar. “What’s the point, there’s nothing in there.”“Have a look inside,” insisted the stranger. The beggar, reluctantly, managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief, and elation, he saw that the box was filled with gold.I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who is telling you to look inside. Not inside any box, as in the parable, but somewhere even closer: inside yourself.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Lately I am trying to live more consciously. Before I used to allow myself to be more absent minded and my thoughts were constantly wandering- in the future, in the past… but never here and now! The other day I was walking in the park ( yes…AGAIN 🙂 ), when I took a path that I have walked on a hundred times. In that moment I saw something beautiful. I can’t even put into words what I experienced! I felt as if I was in a fairy tale and I could see everything around me a lot closer, more beautiful and real. That moment gave me a lot of peace and security.
That’s when I thought… I’ve gone by this place a hundred times and today, for the first time I really saw it!
How often does that happen to you? Thinking and contemplating I am finding out that most people’s problem is the unconscious way of living. We are so used to norms of behavior, lifestyle, how we are supposed to do particular things, how our life should pass and so on. We got ourselves in a cart- track, and we are all moving forward, without ever thinking if it is gonna take us on the right road… but we are still moving after all, right? Where is the problem…
They say that the most heartbreaking thing in a person’s life is what dies inside of us, while we are still alive! What kills us is the monotonous day, the lack of emotions, desire and inspiration. By following the norms of behavior, we become prisoners in our own life…
“While you keep believing that somewhere out there, there is somebody who is the reason for your struggles, you are just keeping yourself away from the ability to take everything in your hands. Only when you say “ I am the reason”, you will find the strength to change everything!”
Does that sound familiar? We spend days and our whole life, searching for somebody to blame for our failures, lost dreams, missed opportunities and lost chances. We search everywhere, but inside of us. And you can’t imagine how much easier it is to change what you do, than it is to change what others are doing!
I am 23 years old but I have done more mistakes in my life, than you could guess. I’ve learned most of the lessons in life, the hard way! Actually I am the kind of person that has feelings… really strong feelings but I rarely show them. This was the reason to start blogging- because with the blank sheet I could share everything I thin and feel. And sharing it with you, I get the opportunity to meet people who are just the same as me. People who don’t judge or blame. People who accept others and people who are aware that everyone walks his own path, full of stones, that leaves us with wounds, scars and memories, which carry their weight on each one of our actions, each thought and each reaction!
By writing, I discover myself every day. By writing, every day I have the chance to reach the person I am and the person I want to be.
I’ve been on the bottom more than once. I’ve felt tearing sadness, discouraging desperation and unending pain… till the moment, when I realized that I am responsible for the rate up to which events influence my life.
When somebody is telling me insulting words, I am the one that evaluates if his words describe me, or if they are just a projection of (more…)
Информацията, съветите и препоръките в този сайт ( и са предназначени за лична употреба. Те не отменят по никакъв начин професионалния медицински съвет, диагноза или лечение. Информацията в сайта не е предназначена за самолечение и самодиагностика. Собственикът на сайта (/bg) не носи отговорност за публикуваните съвети, препоръки, програми, хранителни и тренировъчни режими и други материали. Ползвателите на сайта, не следва да прилагат съветите буквално, преди да се консултират с квалифициран здравен консултант или лекар.
I am a ‘something-searcher person” and I have devoted my life to the mission to reveal myself, to improve, to collect the pieces of puzzle in my own nature, so that to give and to receive from life as much as possible. My Life is history, full of broken dreams, falls, disappointments and finally achieved awareness, that it all depends on me and that each opportunity can be a materialized reality. We only have to think and act in a way, which will lead us on the road to its implementation. The most valuable resources we have are our time and health, and our Body is the instrument, through which we use them, to crate the world we live in. I dedicated my life to share myself, the wisdom and experience, which had left after the mistakes I had done. I am doing this in order to help people find their way, which will let them “’reinvent”’ themselves, to restore their health, confidence and trust for life. I wish they could realize their own potential. Training is rehearsal for the life itself; this is the place, where on a few square meters in the IFS you can experience each of the possible sensations- triumph, fall, disappointment, hope, will, weakness, and most of all power. The place, where in “monitoring conditions”” you can remind your body how to move correctly, how to work in your interest. Everything I have tried to achieve through IFS and the trainings is to help people bring back their consciousness, health and freedom to be who they are-without doubting. I have given myself time to re-build and to re-invent myself! Give yourself time as well. Come and train with us in IFS!