Interview with Sohee Lee: Part 2

Continue ReadingInterview with Sohee Lee: Part 2

Sohee Lee

This week you will have the opportunity to read Part 2 of Sohee Lee’s great interview. In case you missed Part 1, you can read it here.

IS: We know that for a person who struggled with eating disorder it is hard to go in the gym and lift weights. There is always that fear that you might get bulky! How did you manage to cope with that prejudice? What would you tell women that are afraid of weights due to that reason?

SL: Interestingly (more…)

Interview with Sohee Lee: Part 1

Continue ReadingInterview with Sohee Lee: Part 1

Mike Byerly Photography

The story of a beautiful girl, who was obsessed with being skinny! The story of a girl who was overtaken by the demons in her head, constantly screaming at her that she is not beautiful enough, not good enough, not worth enough! The story of a girl who lost controll over her life and just a moment before she gave in to her weak body and tortured mind she grasped her life with her last strength and she never looked back. The story of Sohee Lee. The beautiful girl who found strength through her weakness. The girl who chased her dreams and endured the ups and downs in life without giving up! I had the pleasure to interview Sohee, who is a beautiful person, a smart girl, an outstanding writer and a great coach! Let’s read what she had to share with us!

Ines Subashka: (more…)

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