How Come That Idiot Is Successful and I'm Not?

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Yesterday I “got lost” in a bookstore, when a book from the upper shelf caught my sight – “How Come This Idiot Is Rich and I’m Not?”, by Robin Shemin. I spent about five minutes, holding the book, fighting with myself, like a woman on a diet, trying to fight her chocolate cravings. But because I already bought a couple books, I decided that I will first read them, and then come back and buy this one.

Even though, the headline of the book, somehow occupied my mind and I decided to write my own version of “How Come This Idiot Is Successful and I’m Not?” and later on, when I buy the book I will see how it is gonna influence my point of view.

So here is how I see it. There are two reasons “why this idiot is successful and I’m not”!

1.Both have (more…)

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