PCOS: What is The Root Cause of It and What Could be The Treatment?

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Image source: http://www.soyouwanna.com/treatment-pcos-3851.html

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCO) are ovaries which contain an excessive number of primordial follicles. These follicles are tiny fluid-filled sacs which contain the eggs.  Below is a list that shows if the number of the follicles in your ovaries are in the normal range or if they are surpassing it thus giving a sign for some problems.

Normal: less than or equal to 12 follicles
Borderline: 13-15 follicles
Mild: 16-30 follicles
Moderate: 30-50 follicles
Severe: more than 50 follicles, as a general guide – these women usually have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), associated with infertility, increased facial hair, and a disturbance of hormone levels.

In a normal menstrual cycle there are usually 5-10 follicles at the beginning of the cycle. Later in the cycle usually around day 14, one follicle gets bigger  and shortly thereafter ovulation takes place with release of the egg. The remaining eggs regress and disappear before the next cycle. These events typically occur every 4 weeks and result in the monthly menstrual bleed. With polycystic ovaries, this cyclical sequence of events (more…)

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