The Best Way to Train Your Hamstrings! Do You Use This Method?

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Today’s post won’t be informative, but I will give you an idea how to bring some variety in your workouts. You are probably aware of one of my favorite exercises- hip thrusters. If you’ve missed my posts about hip thrusters, you can check them out HERE and HERE, and keep up with the information.

For some time, I’ve been experimenting with a different way of performing hip thrusts, i.e. with (more…)

Q&A: Everything about The Best Posterior Chain Exercise, Fat Burners and Am I Going to Eat Sweets on Easter?

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How is your week? Mine has been great. It’s Easter this Sunday and here in Bulgaria most people are on a vacation right now. But as usual, my week has been busy, because I rarely take the time to rest the way most people understand a rest. I love what I do, so my job is not a burden, but an entertainment. Actually it is the purpose of my life, so I enjoy what I do and I will rest just on Sunday, when I will go to a village, far away from the city, where I will get the chance to enjoy some time in the nature.

Meanwhile, thank you for all the messages you sent me. I really love what you share with me. I am blessed that such wonderful people like you are my readers! Thank you!

This week, I decided to answer the questions about which exercise strengthened my posterior chain the most, what fat burner would I recommend and am I going to eat sweets on Easter. (more…)

5 Things about Training That I Had to Learn The Hard Way

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Last week I read this post by Jason Feruggia ( „5 Things about Training That I Had to Learn The Hard Way“ click HERE) and I decided that it was a great idea for a topic. I am sure that no matter what you are doing, if you do it long enough and then you turn back, you will discover a lot of lessons, that you were stubbornly refusing to learn, until fate “slapped” you and forced you to learn, what you’ve been taught!

I bet that there is no need to mention, that there are way too many lessons, that I was forced to learn the hard way, if we keep in mind the fact that back in the days I was a real example for “stupid but stubborn”.

That’s why today I decided to share 5 lessons about training, that I had to learn the hard way.

1. (more…)

The Best 6 Exercises for Killing Butt and Legs

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Usually I work out at the same time every day and that is why I meet the same people in the gym. For a long time, I’ve been stalking their progress or the lack of it. I am constantly analyzing my own mistakes, as well as their mistakes. What always makes a big impression is the massive amount of time they dedicate to work out their upper body and the scarce time, they take to work out their lower body.

I don’t know why, but I totally LOVE training my legs and butt. I wonder how people could avoid the satisfaction of doing heavy squats, deadlifts, lunges and so forth.

That is why today I am gonna share with you, my favorite lower body exercises! (more…)

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