Healthy, Raw Balls with Rum and Nuts

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It’s time for a delicious, healthy recipe. I’ve said it before but I love desserts with raw nuts and dates. there are so many ways to prepare different dishes and they all taste delicious! This recipe was sent to me by a friend and I tried it…and I fell in love with it! It is originally posted HERE!

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"Raw" Cookies with Fruit Filling

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сурови курабийки
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It’s time for a Sunday recipe! My favorite healthy desserts are those with raw nuts. I can’t imagine how, back in the past I used to think that healthy, is equal to plain, boring food! And it turned out to be far from the truth! Today I will share with you another recipe for delicious, raw cookies! The credit for this recipe goes to “The Whole Way” ( check out the website for more great ideas)!

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Healthy, Delicious Apple Slices

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It’s time for a new recipe! I am sure that most of you think that in order to prepare a delicious dessert, you are supposed to have at least half of your day to cook it! Truth is that healthy recipes, that consist of  just real food, usually could be prepared without baking them. They get ready in no time and they are soooooo tasty!

Today the recipe is for delicious apple slices. Don’t pay attention to the picture! 😉 I just didn’t have my camera, to take a picture of my apple slices, so this was the only pic I found on google. 🙂

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Vania's Healthy Banana-Melon Ice Cream

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How are you? Are you doing what I asked you for? Being active and eating healthy during the weekend? This Sunday I have a delicious recipe that is the result of Vania’s passion towards cooking. Here is her website but unfortunately it is a Bulgarian website… but you could still check out the pictures of her great meals and in case you like something, just write me and I could translate it for you! 🙂 Just the picture of her fluffy ice- cream was enough to make me feel the urge to prepare it immediately!

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Mocha Cookies

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It is time for another delicious recipe! This was an idea of my mother. We prepared these cookies for my birthday last week. My best friend totally loved him, actually he ate almost all of them! 😉 I bet you are gonna love them too so get busy cooking! And here is how to prepare them!

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My Favorite Healthy Treats Recipes

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The other day I was arguing with some friends about the topic on eating junk food or not. One of them haven’t eaten any crap for a month and she was planning on eating a ton of it on that particular day. Probably to make up for the days she ate clean!

I am totally aware that some crap every now and then, won’t ruin your efforts and your physique, but I still don’t like the idea. Why?

Because in my point of view, besides body composition goals, we are trying to get healthier. And after you start eating clean, a crappy meal full of junk and processed foods, only makes you feel sluggish, bloated, tired and just feeling like total crap!

In my oppinion the joy of eating junk food for 5-10 minutes is totally not worth the terrible feeling after that!

That’s why I have a better idea. If at times I crave eating some junk, just something sweet and different, I try not to eat processed crap. Instead I’d rather cook it myself. I use only real food, that nourishes my body, even if it is not something I would eat on a dialy basis!

The advantages of a healthy treat are that it tastes better than junk, it nourishes your body, it won’t make you feel like crap, it won’t hurt your physic as much as the junk food would and so forth!

That is why today I will give you some of my favorite recipes for a healthy treat! Check them out below!

It’s summer! Come on! You can’t get without ice cream, right? (more…)

Superberry Smoothie

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I love berries! They taste absolutely delicious and are pretty much the best fruit option! What could be better, than a healthy superberry smoothie. I found the recipe here and it turns out pretty good. So go shopping for berries and let’s make this colorful, tasty smoothie!

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Strawberry Smoothie

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It is the season of delicious fruits! There is no better dessert than a fresh fruit. But if it sounds lame to you, you could make it taste even better, by preparing a tasty smoothie. I experimented with this strawberry smoothie and it is a great pick if you need to eat something sweet! So throw away the chocolate and prepare this healthy smoothie!

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Healthy Fruit Pizza

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Everybody loves pizza, right? 😉 Especially when it is healthy and especially when it is a “sweet” pizza! Today’s recipe is easy as usual but surely tastes delicious. Besides that it is easy to experiment with your immagination and decorate it as you’d like!

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Gluten Free Pineapple Upside Down Cake

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It’s time to cook something healthy and delicious! I prepared this pinapple upside down cake. The cake is a creation of Mollie Frances.   Unfortunately I can’t show you the picture of my cake, because I am out of town and I forgot my camera, but I am attaching Mollie’s picture! Make sure to visit her website!

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