Paleo Breakfast Burito

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 Nothing could be better than starting the day with a healthy,delicious breakfast! And as you already know healthy food, tastes great! So, today I will suggest you a recipe for a Paleo Breakfast Burito. It was originally posted on Alexa’s website, that I encourage you to chack out for more great, healthy recipes! I tried it and it is a great way to make your morning meal, more interesting and tastier.

Ingredients: (more…)

No Bake Frosty Banana Cream Cups

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
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It’s time for another Sunday cooking creation. This week I found a great recipe by Healthful Pursuit and I adapted it to my understandings about healthy eating and it turned out great! Check the website for more great recipes! they really have great ideas! So what is the recipe? It is a recipe for No Bake Frosty Banana Cream Cups!

Ingredients: (more…)

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