The Best Way to Lean Out without Doing Boring Cardio

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I love the facility where I go to work out! There is everything- tires, kettlebells, stairs, hills and so on. Yesterday, I had to work out in a different gym… a typical globo gym! When I was done with my lifting, I really wished I had a sled or a tire, or maybe a sledgehammer, so I could do some conditioning.

I can’t describe you the emptiness I felt, from the thought that everything I could use is just the globo gym equipment! 😉

That is why, today I decided to give you some ideas for short, intense, conditioning work at the end of your workouts, that could substitute the boring cardio, that a lot of (more…)

The Best 6 Exercises for Killing Butt and Legs

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Usually I work out at the same time every day and that is why I meet the same people in the gym. For a long time, I’ve been stalking their progress or the lack of it. I am constantly analyzing my own mistakes, as well as their mistakes. What always makes a big impression is the massive amount of time they dedicate to work out their upper body and the scarce time, they take to work out their lower body.

I don’t know why, but I totally LOVE training my legs and butt. I wonder how people could avoid the satisfaction of doing heavy squats, deadlifts, lunges and so forth.

That is why today I am gonna share with you, my favorite lower body exercises! (more…)

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