Marisa Inda: The Living Proof That Women Can Be Everything They Set Their Mind to Become
The world needs people, who have walked the path towards their own self. The kind of people, who have done the hard work to build their own personality, to overcome their fears and rise above their limitations. The world needs the kind of people, who are the living proof, that every dream can be achieved, as long as you believe in yourself and as long as you dare to go after it. Today I will introduce you a person like that- the beautiful-Marisa Inda.
She is a 37 year old inspirational woman, a mother of two wonderful, healthy children. She will share with us everything about being pregnant and working out through each trimester. How has her nutrition changed during the pregnancies. She will share some tips for time management, as well as how has her life changed now that she is a mom.
She is a really powerful woman, that will light the fire within your heart and prove you that you can be a woman, a mom, an athlete. That you can be everything, just as long as you let go of your excuses and redirect your energy towards chasing your dreams.
So glad, that there are women like her! Enjoy her story!
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And don’t forget to visit Marisa’s webpage: and follow her on Facebook (HERE)
Ines Subashka: Thank you for agreeing to give an interview for my blog. Introduce yourself.
Marisa Inda: (more…)