Q&A: Everything about The Best Posterior Chain Exercise, Fat Burners and Am I Going to Eat Sweets on Easter?

How is your week? Mine has been great. It’s Easter this Sunday and here in Bulgaria most people are on a vacation right now. But as usual, my week has been busy, because I rarely take the time to rest the way most people understand a rest. I love what I do, so my job is not a burden, but an entertainment. Actually it is the purpose of my life, so I enjoy what I do and I will rest just on Sunday, when I will go to a village, far away from the city, where I will get the chance to enjoy some time in the nature.
Meanwhile, thank you for all the messages you sent me. I really love what you share with me. I am blessed that such wonderful people like you are my readers! Thank you!
This week, I decided to answer the questions about which exercise strengthened my posterior chain the most, what fat burner would I recommend and am I going to eat sweets on Easter. (more…)