Stop Doing These 3 Exercises, I'd Really Appreciate It!

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Some time ago Dean Somerset posted one of his articles Stop Doing These 5 Exercises, I’d Really Appreciate It”. Tell you the truth I really love the idea of this article, so I decided to write three exercises that I would be really thankful, if you stop doing them.

Tonight (more…)

Exercises You Are Not Doing, But You Should!

Continue ReadingExercises You Are Not Doing, But You Should!

Christmas Abbott

I always tell people to stick to the basics when it comes to their workouts. You don’t need to go to the gym and expect to do some fancy movement. Even though that doesn’t mean that your workouts should be boring. There are a lot of ways to make your time in the gym worth and fun. Today I will suggest you three exercises that aren’t hard to be done, but I think that they will contribute for your advance. (more…)

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