2 Hidden Ways That You May Be Lowering Your Metabolism and Gaining Fat
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2 Hidden Ways That You May Be Lowering Your Metabolism and Gaining Fat

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Humans differ from all other creatures by their consciousness and their ability to take responsibility for their actions. As conscious beings we often harm ourselves more than we help ourselves.…

Q&A: Everything about Muscle Soreness and Nutrition on Rest Days!

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Meatza 🙂

How is your week? Mine has been great! One of my exams passed, and I am really happy. Thanks to all of you who wrote me this week and sorry if you haven’t gotten your answer yet. But I am really busy so it will take me some time to read the messages and answer you back. This week I picked up two questions for the Q&A. One of them is about muscle soreness and workouts. And if muscle soreness is supposed to be the measure of an effective workout. The other one has to do with eating and boredom. How to avoid food indulgence and feelings of guilt. (more…)

When The Soul Is Starving, The Body Is Overeating!

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Ines Subashka
I loooooooove doing handstands! 🙂

It happens again. The emotions are taking over you. As if a storm is raging in your heart! You are trying to repress them, to hold them, to dull them You don’t want to feel, you don’t want your heart and soul to be rend by memories, disappointments, fears and dissatisfaction. You feel weak and helpless, but you don’t want the world to see you falling apart. You are afraid to share with others, to tell them that inside you are broken and that is why you bear! You stay silent and you pile up the pain. But in moments like this, the suffering is way too much and you feel incapable of controlling it!

And there you go, you reach out for food again. You hope that the escape from yourself will (more…)

Do You Struggle with Emotional Eating? Check Out How I Managed to Quit on It and Try It Yourself!

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Ines Subashka

It happens again… the weight of the day is about to crush you. The night is here and you are alone with the silence. Your confusing thoughts are fighting for predominance. The pain is trying to conquer you and take control over your actions and thoughts. A moment of desperation, which you’d love to overcome, but some how you feel helpless and weak.

The reality seems so hard to bear, that you need to find an escape, immediately. Some kind of comfort. And you open the fridge! And an hour later you’ve eaten massive amount of food. The reality is back again, but this time it is even more unbearable and suffocating. This time, besides the disappointments, the day had to offer, You disappointed yourself!

You had promised yourself that you will never reach out to food for comfort and you just did it again!

As I shared here “My Personal Confession: Emotional Eating and The Hunger of My Soul”, I’ve also been the main character (more…)

The Real Reason You Can't Stcik to Healthy Eating!

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Image source:http://www.health.com

This week emotional eating is once again on my mind, but not because I am back to filling my emotional emptiness with food, but because I met a person, who really reminds me of myself in the past- the past where I buried my emotions under piles of food.

This person made me think why we, people find it so hard to start eating healthy. You know what I am talking about. Every night you go to bed determined to start eating clean tomorrow and have a healthier lifestyle. Then, you wake up in the morning filled with enthusiasm, but as the day goes by, your daily tasks take over your life and everything is as it was yesterday. Seems as if you never find the strength to change your eating habits and your lifestyle.

Why does it happen like that? (more…)

My Personal Confession: The Hunger of My Soul and Emotional Eating

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Let me ask you a question! Do you love yourself and do you accept the person you are( with your mistakes, hard moments you went through; the moments when you were disappointed with yourself and those that you were proud of your achievements)?

I have to confess you something! I didn’t always love myself! There was a moment in my life when it was even hard to stand myself. After the disappointments I had with basketball, I spent a couple years of self- pity and self- destruction. I was constantly thinking about the past. I didn’t wanna leave it and I used to never be in the present moment. In life’s stages like that , people tend to approach different “methods” to cope with pain and sadness- mine was emotional, binge eating. Yes, I said it! It is not just you! I’ve also done it, more than you could ever imagine.

The moments when pain is tearing your heart, and you seek for relief. The moments when guilt is (more…)

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