Maria Doncheva: No Bake- Chocolate Cake

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Thanks to everybody who sends me messages with great recipes and everybody who wants to be part of my culinary column. I was sure that you will send me great ideas for healthy recipes and more than everything, I love your kind words. Thank you for all your time and interest.  If you want to share your favorite healthy recipe, check out how to do it HERE.

Today I have a wonderful recipe about a healthy, raw cake, which is the masterpiece of Maria Doncheva. In the future I intend on inviting Maria for an interview, because I think that her knowledge would be helpful for a lot of the women who follow my blog. Who is Maria? 

This is me!

I am a mother of two beautiful children and a breastfeeding consultant.

I’ve been trying to eat healthy and take care of myself, even before I had my children, but now that I have them I have even better motivation to do it.

I prepared the cake for my mother’s birthday and it was provoked by a recipe on your blog.

In two weeks I will be 30, but I feel not more than 21 years old. I am always with a smile and always positive.

Прекрасната- Мария Дончева :)
The beautiful Maria Doncheva 🙂

And now the recipe. (more…)

Irina Cankova: Healthy Chocolate Cake- The Solution to Sweet Cravings

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Thanks to everybody who sends me messages with great recipes and everybody who wants to be part of my culinary column. I was sure that you will send me great ideas for healthy recipes and more than everything, I love your kind words. Thank you for all your time and interest. This week, I will share with you, the wonderful letter send to me by Irina Cankova, as well as, her delicious recipe for chocolate cake. If you want to share your favorite healthy recipe, check out how to do it HERE. (more…)

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