Why Bodybuilding Workout Routines Won't Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Continue ReadingWhy Bodybuilding Workout Routines Won't Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Neghar Foononi

Why there are so many trainees in the gym, yet so few of them manage to achieve their goals?

Here there are a bunch of answers, but I want to emphasize on the following: because they have absolutely no idea what their goals are and they train in a way that has nothing to do with what they want to achieve!

All of this comes up to the fact that they are not informed enough, or I’d even go further and say that they are not interested enough! Yes, I said it! Just because you are reading everything about workouts and nutrition, that is written in popular magazines; as well as the top news for healthy living on some popular websites ( that have nothing to do with healthy living, besides their desire to have such a section on the site), does not make you informed! When a person wants to know something, he searches for authentic sources!

What is my point?

Most trainees, work out with the goal of looking better, becoming fitter, which eventually could help them live healthier! This goal, by itself, has nothing in common with the methods they use in order to achieve it!

Most use training programs and nutritional plans of bodybuilders and usually they have debatable results; at times even if they achieve their goals, they hardly ever manage to sustain it long enough! Why does it turn out like this? Is it because their training and nutrition isn’t good enough? (more…)

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