48 Things Worth Reading

Continue Reading48 Things Worth Reading

Bella Falconi

How is your holiday week going? Mine is great! I and my machines haven’t cheated on our healthy lifestyle and we are still going strong in the gym! Besides that I have not cheated on my lovely, clean food and while others eat plenty of sugar and wheat, I am eating plenty of steaks and veggies!
Hope that you are doing great with your clean eating! No matter if you slipped a little bit, don’t beat yourself down, and just keep on preparing good food and lifting some heavy weights!
Meanwhile don’t forget to read my favorite reads of the week!

First, (more…)

Favorite Reads of the Week: 04/28/12

Continue ReadingFavorite Reads of the Week: 04/28/12

Image source: Crossfit's facebook page

Hey, everybody! How was your week? I hope you had time to fit in at least two work outs and eat pleanty of clean, nutritious food! It is time for my favorite reads of the week. Make sure to check them out, because there are a lot of outstanding pieces! These people really know what they are talking about! Enjoy! 🙂

First, (more…)

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