A Person Is Capable of Being Strong, Just When He Is Tired of Being Weak!

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Image source: http://www.nsma.org.au/propics.htm

“And yet, I found I could survive. I was alert, I felt the pain – the aching loss that radiated out from my chest, sending wracking waves of hurt through my limbs and head – but it was manageable. I could live through it. I didn’t feel like the pain had weakened over time, rather that I’d grown strong enough to bear it.”- Stephenie Meyer

Have you ever wondered, how much pain you could take, before you give up? I’ve asked myself this question a hundred times… and you know what I realized? That there isn’t such a limit! Only weak minded people, let hardships crush them! For the rest of us, pain could temporary slow us down, take us on the wrong path… but at the end we always come out THE WINNERS!

They say that time reduces the pain… I’ve felt shattering pain more than once and I could tell you that with time… betrayals, disappointments, unfulfilled dreams, the loss of a loved one, failure… they just don’t get easier to overcome! The emptiness they leave and the wounds they open, are always (more…)

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