Quick and Easy Blend for a Raw Smoothie

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Image source: http://www.gymjunkies.com

You know that I am not really keen on fruits, but if I eat them, I love indulging in bananas and strawberries ( cherries as well). And because it is already the season of strawberries, I decided to suggest you this quick and easy blend for a raw smoothie.

Ingredients: (more…)

Sunday Fruit Smoothie

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
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Image source: http://itsgoodtobethecook.com

How is your weekend? I hope that you woke up feeling inspired and motivated to meet the new day and make it count! As always I couldn’t wait to get out of bed and get busy doing my favorite things! Today I have another easy and delicious recipe for you! Probably you are sick of listening to me, telling you how fruits are the best dessert you could have and how I don’t understand how a person could find a processed junk, to be tastier than a fresh piece of fruit! But I will keep on repeating it, until I see more people who really believe in my words and act according to them! 😉

Ingredients: (more…)

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