What Does The Scale Tell You About Yourself?

I am a member of the facebook group “Eat Clean (no crap!). Train Smart. Stay Awesome. Forever.” , created by Eileen Schreiber. A couple days ago somebody posted something about a challenge called “I’m too awesome to weigh myself this month”. That made me think about myself and the scale. I haven’t stepped on a scale in almost two years. And that is a big thing, keeping in mind that I was addicted to it. Yes, you guessed it! I used to be just like every other woman- I measured myself and my attractiveness by the number on the scale. Then I found crossfit and my life will never be the same. I made a commitment to throw the scale away and stop living for the number it shows.
I find the challenge mentioned above to be really cool and helpful. That made me think about why I don’t care about the scale anymore.
Truth is that the scale (more…)