You Were Right! Fats ARE Bad for Your Health!

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…when you don’t eat them 😉

One of the most dangerous myths in the world of healthy nutrition, which has been gathering more and more power, for the past 50 years, is this: FATS ARE DANGEROUS. The notion that everything, which does not contain fats is healthy is actually what is ruining our health.

This myth, led to the situation, where every real, healthy food, was taken out of the list of healthy; then it was forced to undertake a dissection, and in the process all the valuable micro and macronutrients were derived.

You know that my philosophy about healthy food, revolves around real food- the one which is closest to its natural state; the food, which you will easily find in nature and the food, that doesn’t need to undergo a bunch of technological processes so it can be considered good for consumption.

Just give it a thought! Which are these foods when we exclude veggies, fruits and seeds?

These are meat, eggs, homemade dairy products, fish.

Each one of these foods, is probably part of your daily menu, but not in its natural state.

You are probably eating dairy products- bought from the supermarket. Dairy products which claim to be low fat or enriched with calcium.

You are probably eating meat- mainly chicken, and if you accidently buy pork, you always choose the leanest cuts.

You eat eggs, but you don’t eat more than one or two yolks. The rest always find their way to the trash can, because you are so stuck in the notion that yolks are bad for your health.

Here is the time and place to tell you that nature has created everything, which we can use as food for fuel, in the macro and micronutrient ratios, which assure our best and optimal functioning and survival.

Imagine it like this. You create a machine, which needs a particular type of fuel in a particular quantity and ratio of ingredients. In order for the machine to work and in order to get advantage of its full potential, you create another product- the fuel itself. You pack it in a bottle or in another container and no matter the package, the fuel inside always preserves its ratios and the ingredients needed for the machine to work.

Let’s accept that some “shifter” decided to suggest you to attenuate the fuel, so you can give less money and have more liquid.

You agree and what happens next? When you pour the fuel in the machine, it doesn’t work optimally. It might even get broken down. Was the “shift” worth it? Absolutely not!

Now, refer this example to your own body! Accept the fact that nature packed our fuel in different foods. Each food from a piece of fruit, to a piece of meat, contains macro and micronutrients in a particular ratio.

The machine, our body, knows how to use this fuel, it distinguishes it. When you get your fuel from these foods, your body gets the ratios of micro and macronutrients, which lead to a cascade of other processes. Actually, our food is something like information for our bodies. It is an information, which plays the role of a code. A code, which unlocks the functions and the processes in the body. If the code is right, the processes will happen properly. Get the wrong code and (more…)

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