Raw Chocolate Bliss Balls

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The other day, I posted this picture of raw, chocolate balls. They were my present from one of my beautiful clients Daniela. I really appreciate presents like that. When somebody takes the time to prepare something by himself. It really shows respect, care and love.

Most of you wanted the recipe, so I asked her and I am gonna share it with you. Initially, she saw the recipe HERE where you can find more great ideas for healthy treats.

Ingredients: (more…)

The Best Recipe For Juicy Soft Beef Liver

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4eren drob

If you follow my Facebook page(HERE),you’ve probably noticed that I eat organ meats and particularly liver very often. Some time ago I found a great recipe, with a trick to cook  juicy, soft beef liver and it truly works. The liver becomes delicious and easy to chew.


Today I will share the  trick with you.



Delicious Broccoli Soup

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Image source: porkdrunk.blogspot.com
Image source: porkdrunk.blogspot.com

I love broccoli. This is one of my favorite greens and I could eat them forever. That’s why I thought that a broccoli soup would be great to keep you warm in the colder, autumn days. Here is what you need to prepare it.

Ingredients: (more…)

Kiwi-Avocado Raw Pudding

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Image source: veggiesonthecounter.com
Image source: veggiesonthecounter.com

Kiwi and bananas- some of the most tasty fruits ever. The nature has given us so many varieties of sweet, real food that it is a sin to eat crappy, processed junk food, instead of using fresh fruits to bring satiety to our sweet tooth. That’s why today I will suggest you a delicious kiwi-avocado-banana raw pudding.

Ingredients: (more…)

Mango- Berry Sunrise Tarts

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Снимка: http://thefitchen.com/2013/05/26/berry-mango-sunrise-tarts/
Снимка: http://thefitchen.com/2013/05/26/berry-mango-sunrise-tarts/

It’s Sunday and it is time for delicious, healthy recipes. This week I will suggest you something kind of exotic, extremely delicious and beautiful, i.e. tarts with mango and berries. I stole the idea from The Fit Chen, so I encourage you to visit the website for more great, healthy ideas.

Ingredients: (more…)

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