Healthy Dessert with Chocolate, Avocado Cream

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The other day I stumbled upon  Angela’s website and one of her delicious recipes. To be honest I was attracted by the picture of her dessert and I decided to use it as a foundation to let my immagination create something delicious. For the original recipe visit  Angela’s website, and for my version of the recipe, keep on reading here.

Ingredients: (more…)

The Best Sunday Lunch: Baked Red Pepper Rolls with Eggs and Basil Pesto

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I love baked red peppers. Actually, lately I prefer eating more leafy greens, but I still love having baked red peppers every now and then. Today I will share with you my favorite recipe with baked red peppers- red pepper rolls.

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The Two Most Delicious Recipes with Pineapple! Did You Know Them?

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I love pineapples. Actually you know that I am not much of a fruit lover, but if I feel like eating fruits- pineapple sounds great!

Today I will share with you two of my favorite recipes with pineapple. They turn out delicious! One is quick to prepare,the other one takes time! (more…)

The Best Sunday Lunch: Meat Crust Quiche

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I love eggs and meat. If you are a follower of my blog, you probably adore them as well!

The other day I saw this delicious recipe for Sausage Crust Quiche here.( check out the website for more great ideas).  I changed it a little bit so it fits my taste.

Ingredients: (more…)

The Best Sunday Lunch: Tuna Fish Salad with Iceberg and Dried Tomatoes Soused with Spices

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I really love eating salads- huge salads. I am always baffled, when I see somebody, taking just one spoon of salad, and filling the rest of the plate with all kind of other foods. What I do is take one huge bowl- just for me- make a huge salad and then use the plate just for my steak.

I decided to use dried tomatoes and souse them with spices. They turned out delicious. And they really mixed great in a salad. Here is the recipe for the salad:

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The Best Sunday Dinner: Cauliflower Pizza

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Pizza shouldn’t be a dirty word, because with more imagination, you can cook a healthy version of it. Besides that I promise that it tastes twice as better! I saw this great recipe HERE. Make sure to check the website and prepare some other healthy recipes And here is how to prepare a healthy pizza for your Sunday dinner.

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The Taste of Autumn: The Best Healthy Dessert

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I love food pictures. These kind of pictures, besides beautiful pictures of nature, are what captures my attention. The other day one of my beautiful friends Jazzy, posted the great picture of the pumpkin dessert. Since it is autumn and since I consider this to be the best dessert ever, I wanted  to remind you that you don’t need to eat crappy, junk foods. You always have the best dessert, when you buy a pumpkin, cinnamon and some nuts.

Ingredients: (more…)

Delicious Autumn Recipe for Pumpkin Soup

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It’s the season of pumpkins. Personally I love pumpkin and I think that the best dessert is baked pumpkin with walnuts and cinnamon. Today I will suggest you a “salty” recipe about pumpkin soup. This delicious recipe is the masterpiece of one of my clients- Dimiter Dachev.  As a matter of fact, the avocado salad from last week is one of his recipes as well. Mitko is a great cook and I am thankful that he is so generous with sharing his recipes.

Ingredients for 6 portions: (more…)

The Most Delicious Sunday Lunch: Avocado Salad

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How do you spend your weekend? Mine is a little busy, but at least I had the opportunity to work with great people, who remind me on a daily basis what is the meaning of life. They remind me that life is beautiful, once you take it in your own hands.

I promised you the recipe for the avocado salad, so here is how to prepare it. I will be happy, if you take the time to send me your masterpieces, once you prepare the salad, so I can share the pictures HERE.

And don’t forget to download my new FREE E-Book- 30 Exercises on Becoming a Wonder Woman ! DOWNLOAD HERE.

Ingredients: (more…)

Especially For Avocado Lovers: Everything You Need to Know About Avocados

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Since I am an avocado lover and after I posted a pic of my precious avocados on my Facebook page, I realized that many of you love it as much as I do. That’s why today I decided to share with you some practical tricks and tips for avocado and how to store it.

How to Speed Up The Process of Avocado Ripening (more…)

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