Maria Doncheva: No Bake- Chocolate Cake

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Thanks to everybody who sends me messages with great recipes and everybody who wants to be part of my culinary column. I was sure that you will send me great ideas for healthy recipes and more than everything, I love your kind words. Thank you for all your time and interest.  If you want to share your favorite healthy recipe, check out how to do it HERE.

Today I have a wonderful recipe about a healthy, raw cake, which is the masterpiece of Maria Doncheva. In the future I intend on inviting Maria for an interview, because I think that her knowledge would be helpful for a lot of the women who follow my blog. Who is Maria? 

This is me!

I am a mother of two beautiful children and a breastfeeding consultant.

I’ve been trying to eat healthy and take care of myself, even before I had my children, but now that I have them I have even better motivation to do it.

I prepared the cake for my mother’s birthday and it was provoked by a recipe on your blog.

In two weeks I will be 30, but I feel not more than 21 years old. I am always with a smile and always positive.

Прекрасната- Мария Дончева :)
The beautiful Maria Doncheva 🙂

And now the recipe. (more…)

Lili Petrova: Exotic Salad with Shrimp and Avocado

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Thanks to everybody who sends me messages with great recipes and everybody who wants to be part of my culinary column. I was sure that you will send me great ideas for healthy recipes and more than everything, I love your kind words. Thank you for all your time and interest. This week, I will share with you, the wonderful letter sent to me by Lili Petrova, as well as, her delicious recipe for exotic salad with shrimp and avocado. If you want to share your favorite healthy recipe, check out how to do it HERE.

Irina Cankova: Healthy Chocolate Cake- The Solution to Sweet Cravings

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Thanks to everybody who sends me messages with great recipes and everybody who wants to be part of my culinary column. I was sure that you will send me great ideas for healthy recipes and more than everything, I love your kind words. Thank you for all your time and interest. This week, I will share with you, the wonderful letter send to me by Irina Cankova, as well as, her delicious recipe for chocolate cake. If you want to share your favorite healthy recipe, check out how to do it HERE. (more…)

The Perfect Vegetable Pancakes with Guacamole

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снимка: Малина Лазарова
снимка: Малина Лазарова

Last week I had a challenge for you. I love the recipes you send me and the passion you show in giving your best to lead a healthier lifestyle. That’s why I decided to start something new- to introduce the opportunity for a guest post or in other words, to give you an opportunity to share your experience. We will start with the Culinary Column.Here you can read more. The first recipe, I received is from Malina Lazarova- these delicious vegetable pancakes with guacamole. The initial source of the recipe is Nadia Petrova from Nature Insider.

Ingredients: (more…)

Do You Like Cooking Healthy Food? Then This Is for You! Check Out The Opportunity!

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I have a suggestion for you. I love the recipes you send me and the passion you show in giving your best to lead a healthier lifestyle.

That’s why I decided to start something new- to introduce the opportunity for a guest post or in other words, to give you an opportunity to share your experience.

We will start with the Culinary Column.

What are you supposed to do? (more…)

Delicious Argula Pesto

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13Tsvetelina Yordanova-pesto-rukola

Thanks to everybody who prepares my recipes and then shares their results with me. Thanks to those who send me new ideas for healthy, delicious recipes. This week, Tsvetelina Yordanova- one of the wonderful women who follow my blog, shared this recipe for argula pesto.

Ingredients: (more…)

Raw Tropical Mousse with Banana, Avocado and Raw Cashew

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This week, my mania are bananas and avocado. Yesterday, I bought one banana, one ripe avocado and my favorite raw cashew. I got back home and I decided that it was time to create a new masterpiece in the kitchen. I gathered the ingredients I had in hand ( that is how the most delicious meals are created) and I got busy cooking.

It turned out to be a great tropical mousse. As usual it is really quick to prepare and tastes delicious.

Sometimes I wonder why people buy sweet stuff from the supermarket, when raw, healthy desserts are the most delicious thing in the world.

Ingredients: (more…)

Delicious Raw Muffins “Jovaylo” with Tahini

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Мъфин "Джовайло"
Raw muffin “Jovaylo”

I adore cooking. This is one of my hobbies, which always nails my attention in the present moment and allows me to create something different and delicious. When I am in the kitchen, I have the opportunity to experiment and eagerly anticipate the result. My experiments this week, led to this delicious raw muffin, which has the taste of Snickers. It is really easy to cook. Try it and then share your cooking creations with me. You have no idea how much I love the pictures you send me! These are some of my happiest moments!

Ingredients: (more…)

The Easiest Recipe for Coconut Truffles

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My new mania is called coconuts. Since I discovered how to open them without serious technical preparation, I am constantly buying coconuts. They are extremely delicious and make you feel full for long periods of time.

So you can expect a lot of coconut recipes from me. Here is a quick and easy recipe for coconut truffles.

Ingredients: (more…)

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