Raw Chocolate Bars with Coconut Filling

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Ставаме все по-добри в здравословните десерти :))
We are getting better at cooking healthy desserts :))

My wonderful co-worker- Victor, had a birthday. I have two favorite presents- a book or something handmade/ home prepared. Vic appreciates healthy desserts and I decided to make him my favorite healthy chocolate bars.

At the end, I decided to use part of the mixture and make some healthy chocolate balls.

And what is a person if he cooks alone? That is why I had Ivaylo cook with me. Cooking is a lot of fun, when you share it with wonderful people.


When somebody has a birthday, they usually assume that their nutrition is cursed to failure, because you can’t celebrate your birthday without FORBIDDEN foods.

Personally I don’t like labeling food as “allowed” and “forbidden”. In my opinion food is either healthy- such that gives your body what it needs or unhealthy- such that robs it and harms it!

That is why my advice would be, if you’d like to eat something sweet, cook it yourself! You have no idea what is the advantage of homemade food, compared to processed foods, bought from the supermarket.

Today, I will share with you a recipe for the delicious chocolate bars and healthy chocolate balls.

Ingredients: (more…)

Delicious Zucchini with Curds, Walnuts and Fresh SPices

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Sometimes people are afraid to try healthy living, because they mistakenly believe in the myth that healthy food is plane and tasteless. But this is not the truth. Healthy food might be delicious, it might have a lot of variety, as long as you want to spend some time in the kitchen and treat what you eat with more respect.
Yes, it is easier to go wait in line and then by a piece of pizza or a burger, but I am convinced that the pleasure of food, increases proportionally with the efforts we made for it.
If you grow your own food; if you prepare your own dairy products, I am sure that their taste will be different; you will have a different attitude towards your food and you will appreciate it more.
It is no coincidence that many of the traditions have something to do with preparing food. It is not the act of eating, but the time you take to prepare the meal that matters.
After this lyrical interruption, I just wanted to say that today, I will offer you one of my favorite recipes for stuffed zucchini. My mother and I cooked them and unlike me, she LOVES BAKING food. That is why the end result is a little over-burnt.

Ingredients: (more…)

Delicious Raw Cake with Avocado and Pistachio Cream

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Last week I had a birthday and I turned a quarter century! I want to say thank you to all of you who made my birthday so wonderful!

Thank you for every kind gesture, for every kind word and for the time you took for me. Thank you that because I have you, I feel as if everyday is my birthday. Thank you that because I have you, I get the privilege to be surrounded by wonderful people who support me who take care of me; people who inspire and motivate me and make every day different, better than the one yesterday and bring so much meaning to my life!

Thanks to every one of us for the efforts you made, for the wonderful flowers, the unique presents and the outstanding books; for all the handmade presents and cards; for all bouquets with carrots, the raw cake, the membership for Jack Kruse’s webinars, for the poems you wrote for me and that behind every present, I could sense the care, the love and the respect you invested.

The most precious thing in a present are the efforts, the care and the love, which the giver invests. I love handmade presents. I am thankful to Monika and Malina who made a delicious, raw cake for me. I asked for the recipe, so I can share this tasty dessert with you.

Here are some of the presents I received 🙂 (more…)

The Most Delicious Raw Cake I Made: Chocolate- Banana Cake

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Най-вкусната сурова торта, която направих
The most delicious cake I made

The last couple weeks, I made some experiments in the kitchen and they turned out pretty good. I love cooking healthy meals. I collected a couple recipes, but I haven’t shared them with you, because I shared the recipes you’ve sent me. This week, I want to show off with my best cooking creation- this raw cake.

I have a birthday tomorrow and I intend on preparing it for my parents- they are really skeptical when it comes to healthy food being delicious and I hope that this cake will change their opinion. This will be my triumph and my biggest present.

Ingredients: (more…)

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