Interview with Jen Comas Keck

Every week I post an interview with an inspiring individual. This week I have the honor to share the interview I made with Jen Comas Keck. A great woman, that leads and inspires by example. In her story you might find yourself, your own struggles and triumphs, but the most important thing is that you will find hope. The hope that no matter what you go through in life, there is always a postivie outcome, as long as you search for it and work hard for it! Read the interview with Jen and I am sure that you will find th emotivation you’ve been searching for all this time! Her words and her positive personality will set you on fire- to eat clean, work out and become who you want to be!
Ines Subashka: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Jen Comas Keck: (more…)