Interview with Jen Comas Keck

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Jen Comas Keck ; Shot by Kat Guideng, Las Vegas

Every week I post an interview with an inspiring individual. This week I have the honor to share the interview I made with Jen Comas Keck. A great woman, that leads and inspires by example. In her story you might find yourself, your own struggles and triumphs, but the most important thing is that you will find hope. The hope that no matter what you go through in life, there is always a postivie outcome, as long as you search for it and work hard for it! Read the interview with Jen and I am sure that you will find th emotivation you’ve been searching for all this time! Her words and her positive personality will set you on fire- to eat clean, work out and become who you want to be!

Ines Subashka: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Jen Comas Keck: (more…)

Interview with Marianne Kane from MyoMyTv: Kettlebell Workouts, Intermittent Fasting and Finding Balance

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Marianne Kane

In order to succeed a person needs strong passion, strong desire coming from somwhere deep inside and strong will to be persistant and endure the obstacles that are gonna be on the way to the top! Today I have the opportunity to introduce you Marianne Kane. A woman who inspires, leads by example and changes lives! Truely great people, are those that manage to make others feel better about themselves, those that manage to light a fire inside people’s hearts and help them find their true meaning in life. That’s what Marianne does for her readers, her followers and everybody that ha dthe opportunity to know her! Enjoy her words…

Ines Subashka: Thank you for agreeing to give an interview for Inspired Fit Strong, Marianne! Tell us a little bit more about yourself and how the idea about MyoMyTv was born.
Marianne Kane: (more…)

Interview with The Beautiful Badass- Nia Shanks

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Nia Shanks

Beauty, strength, intellect, inspiration… all that is impersonated in one person-Nia Shanks. She is a beautiful women, who has dedicated her life to her passion- helping people achieve their health related goals, heal their body image issues… helping them start loving who they are and doing what they love! Whatever I say about her, would belittle the person she is, so I will let her introduce herself!

Nia Shanks: (more…)

Interview with Laura Harris aka Chicken Tuna

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Chicken Tuna

There are people you’ve never met, people who don’t know anything about your existance, but people who have the greatest impact on your life. Today I am really happy to introduce you Laura Harris aka Chicken Tuna. She is an amazing woman, who is really determined and inspirational. Through her hard work and self example she has changed the lives of million people around the world. I am glad I had the opportunity to take an interview from her, so she could tell us more about her lifestyle and the journey to being so fit, healthy and inspiring! Meet Laura…

Ines Subashka: (more…)

Interview with Sohee Lee: Part 2

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Sohee Lee

This week you will have the opportunity to read Part 2 of Sohee Lee’s great interview. In case you missed Part 1, you can read it here.

IS: We know that for a person who struggled with eating disorder it is hard to go in the gym and lift weights. There is always that fear that you might get bulky! How did you manage to cope with that prejudice? What would you tell women that are afraid of weights due to that reason?

SL: Interestingly (more…)

Interview with Sohee Lee: Part 1

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Mike Byerly Photography

The story of a beautiful girl, who was obsessed with being skinny! The story of a girl who was overtaken by the demons in her head, constantly screaming at her that she is not beautiful enough, not good enough, not worth enough! The story of a girl who lost controll over her life and just a moment before she gave in to her weak body and tortured mind she grasped her life with her last strength and she never looked back. The story of Sohee Lee. The beautiful girl who found strength through her weakness. The girl who chased her dreams and endured the ups and downs in life without giving up! I had the pleasure to interview Sohee, who is a beautiful person, a smart girl, an outstanding writer and a great coach! Let’s read what she had to share with us!

Ines Subashka: (more…)

Interview with Lauren Brooks: The Queen of Kettlebells

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Lauren Brooks

Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.

Lauren Brooks: My name is Lauren Brooks and I’m currently the owner of On The Edge Fitness. I have had a passion for changing peoples lives for the better with fitness and lifestyle changes for over 15 years. I’m a mother of 2 young girls and life has never been the same. I discovered kettlebells in 2005 and have never looked back. My life is centered taking in new information and continually inspiring and motivating people to improve their quality of life.

Ines Subashka: What is your (more…)

Interview with Jordan Syatt

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Jordan Syatt

It is said that one hour talk with a smart person is worth a lifetime of reading! That is exactly how I felt, taking this interview with Jordan Syatt- a strength training and nutritional consultant, and a competitive Powerlifter! Take the time to read what he shared with us, and I promise you that his words will light a fire inside of you. A fire that will drive a desire to learn more, to know more and to workout more! No matter how what I say to describe Jordan, words would just belittle the great person and expert he is! That is why I will just let him introduce himself… (more…)

Annie Mist Thorisdottir: The Fittest on Earth

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Today we will have the pleasure to read what last year’s Crossfit champion, Annie Thorisdottir had to share with us. Eventhough she was “crowned” the fittest on Earth, that hasn’t changed her personality- she is really nice, charming and forthcommin.  Reading her interview you will see why she won the Crossfit games in 2011- the combination of dedication, hard work and talent are only few of the things that could describe Annie! And instead of writing more words that only belittle what she truely is, I will let you read what she had to say… (more…)

Ilian Petrov: The Brave Heart of Bulgaria

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Ilian Petrov

You look through the window. The weather is cold and it is dark. You’d think that it will be a bad day. Your soul is almost as cold as the weather outside. Right there, in this moment, somewhere in Sofia, in a small gym, there is a man, who could find all the reasons to stay at home. He could find a reason to curse the weather, his fate or his life. But instead he is always smiling. He fights every difficulty with a smile on his face.

Somewhere, Ilian Petrov is fighting for what he believes and what he loves. He is fighting for what gives him strength to face the hardships that every day has to offer!

Ilian is born without a limb and he grows up an orphan. But that isn’t a green light for him to use it as an excuse and become a failure. He has strong faith and big dreams, which take Ilian to the tops of athletics. Today he is one of the top athletes in the world in his discipline! (more…)

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