Stanislav Iliev: The Life Where EVERY DREAM becomes reality!

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Stanislav Iliev (Findo)

Ines Subashka: How did you get involved in competitive sports and more specific in rowing?

Stanislav Iliev: I got involved in sports since I was 5-6 years old. I used to wrestle, I did track, taekwondo, dances. I played a lot of sports, till I started doing kanu kayak. I was just fascinated since the beginning. At my first competition I placed first and I just couldn’t stop from there on!

Ines Subashka: What motivates you every day to wake up and greet the new day full of enthusiasm  and the strive, you demonstrate in everything you do?

SI: Every day, the first thing I do when I wake up is plan my workout. After I work out, I feel strong, alive… I am ready to do everything! And from then on I am full with energy to go to work and do my job, which once again has to do with sport!

Stanislav during one of my workouts 🙂

Ines Subashka: Nowadays, most people seem like they gave up on living, and decided to just keep existing. What is it that keeps the fire burning inside of you? What is it that gives you strength to dream and never give in to the ugly reality, in the name of doing just the things you love? (more…)

Polina Pencheva: A Sneak Peak in The Life of a Professional Boxer Competitor

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Polina Pencheva

Ines Subashka: tell us a little bit more about yourself!

Polina Pencheva: Hi, my name is Polina Pencheva. I am 25 years old and I am from Razgrad, Bulgaria. I am a professional boxer competitor. I’ve graduated the National Sports Academy.

IS: How did you get involved in fitness? Have you done any other sports before that?

PP: I’ve been involved in fitness for the past 10 years. This has always gone hand in hand with my physical preparation for boxing. Before that I played basketball for 4 years, but I substituted the team game, for an individual sport!

IS: Do you follow a nutrition plan?

PP:Yes, I do! I started following a nutrition plan since I was a teenager. I was supposed to lose some pounds in order to fit into a category. Gradually it turned into a lifestyle. I eat (more…)

Mariya Georgieva: A Life Where Limitations Do Not Exist

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Mariya Georgieva in the off season but still looking fit and beautiful

Ines Subashka: Tell us a little bit more aboutyourself!

Mariya Georgieva: My name is Mariya Georgieva. I am 26 years old and I am from Dobrich, Bulgaria. I graduated Law School in Ireland and nowadays I am studying Philosophy in Sofia University. This year I started competing as a bikini competitor.

IS: How did you get involved in fitness? Have you done any other sport before that?

MG: I got involved in fitness, because of a severe stomach disease, which was cause by my terrible eating habits and lack of sleep. When I was in high school I was really keen on playing basketball, but with my height- 159 cm. , I was too short. I had the ambitions to become at least 170cm., because people used to tell me that if I play basketball, I will grow taller. But I reached just 163 cm.

Казвам се Мария Георгиева,на 26г. от град Добрич. Завърших Право в Ирландия преди 2 години и в момента уча Философия в СУ. От тази година съм и Бикини състезател.

IS: Do you follow a nutrition plan? If yes, what is it?
MG:   (more…)

Rachel Gilmore: The Beauty of Being Yourself

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Rachel Gilmore

Today I have the honor to share with you an interview with Rachel Gilmore. In a world where everybody is being fake, pretending to be somebody else, Rachel is one of people, who dare to be different! She is the kind of person who dares to dream big, has the courage to follow her dreams and become great! Rachel is the living proof that limitations do not exist, as long as you believe in yourself, and keep the vision of your dream alive! No matter what I tell you about her, it would belittle her great personality and the accomplishments she has achieved! So I will let her do the talking…

Before that, do not forget to join my Facebook page HERE! Thank you!

Ines Subashka: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Rachel Gilmore: (more…)

Maya Puliyska: The Living Proof That Strong Is Beautiful!

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The beautiful Maya Puliyska

We live in a world where people would rather stay in one place and whine, instead of being brave and follow their dreams! Fortunately, there are people among us, who not only dare to go beyond limitations, and achieve even their “wildest” dreams, but with their personal example manage to inspire hundreds of people, to take the risk themselves and rise beyond mediocrity! And today I have the pleasure to meet you with a person like that- Maya Puliyska! Maya is the living proof that with hard work, will, desire and a clear vision for what you want out of life, everything becomes possible! Maya is the living proof, that women who lift weights, are beautiful!

And before you read what Maya has to share with you, don’t forget to join my Facebook page! Thank you!

Ines Subashka: Tell us a little more about yourself!

Maya Puliyska: (more…)

Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev: А Life Where Limits Do NOT Exist!

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Krustyo Tyutyundziev

Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself.

Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev: My name is Krustyo Tyutyundzhiev and I am 25 years old. I live in Panagyurishte- a rown in Bulgaria. I work as a fire fighter and emergency rescuer.

IS: When and how did you get involved in sports? What are the sports you participated in during the years? 

KT: The story starts long time ago. My whole family has something to do with sports. My grandma and my grandpa were track athletes and later on they became PE teachers and coaches. My father used to be a sprinter and my mother was a sport shooting competitor. Sport is just in my veins! 😉

I started competing in track when I was 8-9 years old. My coach was my grandpa. I competed in different disciplines, but the best one was hurdling. I have a couple medals on national level competitions. After that in seventh grade, I had to move to another town, and there weren’t good conditions for hurdling preparation.

I was forced to stay in shape,  playing other sports, like fitness, basketball and swimming. In 12thgrade, when I was 18 years old I started doing freerun with the boys in town. The freerun was just getting popular and it was like a dream came true! Finally I managed to participate in something that was keeping me in shape and in the same time it was extreme enough to suit my character!IS: How did you decide to compete in the professional sport of firefighters and the stunting? These two are really extreme and not very common sports!

КТ: My desire to participate in these sports comes from my competitive and extreme personality. I am always there searching for more adrenaline and if it could be combined with competition- that’s perfect!

After I (more…)

Intermittent Fasting: The Consecutive "Home Run" in Teodor Dimitrov's Career

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Teodor Dimitrov

Lately, a lot of people are asking me for Intermittent Fasting. That is why a couple weeks ago I wrote the post “Everything You Need to Know about Intermittent Fasting” and I promised you that every week I will post an interview, with somebody who is following IF and already has a solid experience with this way of eating! You could read the previous interviews about Intermittent Fasting– with Marianne Kane (here ), and Tsvetan Ivanov( here).  Today I have the pleasure of introducing you Teodor Dimitrov. He is a professional baseball player, an avid gym “rat”, and a talented artistic person. We could talk a lot about his gifted personality, and probably I will take another interview with him in the future, so you could get to know him and all his activities better, but today our focus will be on his experience with Intermittent Fasting. He has pretty good knowledge about strength training and nutrition, and it was really interesting to get to know more about his take on IF!

 Ines Subashka: How long have you been following Intermittent Fasting?

Teodor Dimitrov: (more…)

Jenny Grothe's Great Transformation and Inspiring Story

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Jenny Grothe before and after

There are some people among us who are truly special. When you meet them, you feel more inspired and motivated. As if they give you a piece of their uniqueness so you could use it in your own life and live up to your own expectations. Jenny Grothe is exactly this kind of person! Even though I’ve never met her in real life, I’ve been “stalking” her on her page for a long time, and I can’t explain the peace, happiness and inner drive I feel, after I read her encouraging words and posts! Jenny Grothe is a wonderful person inside and out! She has been on both sides of the lane- overweight and really fit. She knows the struggles, and she has tasted the victories! She knows what it takes to become great and she is trying to help thousands of people all over the world, take their life back and live their dreams!

Besides that she is a great cook, and you could find the most delicious healthy recipes on her Facebook Page, as well as her websites!

Whatever I say about Jenny, wouldn’t be enough to describe the wonderful person she is, so I will let her do the talking…

Ines Subashka: Thank you for accepting the offer for an interview. I really like what you do, and it is a pleasure for me, to introduce you to my readers! Would you tell us a little bit more about yourself.

Jenny Grothe: I’m a happy 41 year old stay-at-home mother of two beautiful adopted kiddos. I worked in a corporate setting for 17 years before retiring home to pursue motherhood and my other passions full-time. September 28th my husband and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. I live a full and happy life.

IS: I am familiar with your fitness and fat loss journey, but could you share your experience. Have you always tried to get fit the right and healthy way, or have you gone to some extremes?
JG: (more…)

Intermittent Fasting: How Marianne Kane from MyoMyTv Stays Fit and Fabulous?

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Marianne Kane

Last week I wrote an article about Intermittent Fasting – what is it, what are the different ways to follow it, what are the positives and the negatives. I promised you that I will write an article that will sum up the experience of some people, with IF. The results they got, the hardships they faced, as well as some beneficial advices, that you could follow, in case you decided to try IF!.

But as always I am really wordily, and I asked way too many questions, so I received long answers! 🙂 That’s why I decided that every week I will share just one answer, something like an interview with the focus on Intermittent Fasting. This week I will start with Marianne Kane from MyoMyTv. I already published an interview with her, some time ago ( read it here in case you missed it) and I know that my readers really love Marianne and what she does, so I decided to ask her about her experience with IF! So let’s read what she shared…

Ines Subashka:How long have you been on IF?

Marianne Kane: (more…)

Sirena Bernal: A Life in Color

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Sirena Bernal

There are people, who you’ve never met, but you still know that there is something special and empowering about them. People who have found their purpose and have never looked back. People who walk through the journey of life, holding their head high, giving a helping hand to those in need and always inspiring through self- example. Today the interview is with Sirena Bernal, a woman who fits in the description above. A woman who knows what she wants from life and never stops striving before she gets where she is headed! I will let Sirena do the talking…

Ines Subashka: Introduce yourself
Sirena Bernal: (more…)

Interview with Molly Galbraith:I Am Training Because I Love My Body, Not Because I Hate It

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Molly Galbraith

I’ve always said that I LOVE what I do! There are so many reasons behind my passion towards strength and conditioning and being a coach, but one thing I adore is the opportunity to meet great people, who empower my passion, keep me motivated and serve me as an example! Today I have the honor to introduce you Molly Galbraith! She is an amazing woman and an amazing coach! Everybody who has the opportunity to meet her, will tell you that his/her life has been touched and changed forever! She has the ability to wake up the motivation and the drive that have been sleeping deep inside of you. She has the power to inspire you to be more, to want more and to achieve more! Chack out what Molly had to share with us, but before that let’s wish her a Happy Birthday!

Ines Subashka: Thank you for accepting the offer for an interview. I really like what you do, and it is a pleasure for me, to introduce you to my readers! Would you tell us a little bit more about yourself.

 Molly Galbraith: (more…)

Interview with Zach Moore: The Life Where Limitations Don't Exist

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Zach Moore

The world is full of sadness, hardships, broken hearts and tears. The worl is full of people believing in limitations and never daring to reach their full potential! The world, though, is full of beauty, opportunities,dreams and people who trust that limitations don’t exist! Тoday I have the great opportunity to introduce you Zach Moore! One of the most inspiring people I’ve ever had the chance to talk to! Zach is a strength and conditioning coach, helping people discover their endless strength and live the life they’ve imagined. He was born missing the lower part of his arm, but he never let that become his limitation or his excuse! Read the great interview with Zach and take away some of the hope, the desire and the determination that this guy will give you!

Ines Subashka: Tell us a little bit more about yourself.

Zach Moore: (more…)

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