6 Reasons Why Your Training Program Doesn’t Work

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As I often say, even the best training program, won’t work if you do not perform it right. I often receive messages from people, who share their programs with me, but they complain how they can’t achieve the results they are training for. Sometimes, the exercises in their program are perfectly structured and everything seems great… just written on a piece of paper. But in reality it does not work like that! Why?

Sometimes I meet with these people and I train with them. And in 9, out of 10 cases, it turns out just the way I supposed it (more…)

Q&A: Everything about Carb Rotation; Protein Shakes and the Healthiest Breakfast

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Инес Субашка- Ines Subashka
My new mania- pistols :))) I promise that when I learn how to fly I will update just videos 😀 😉

Thank you for the messages you sent me this week. I hope that I haven’t disappointed you and that you are receiving all the information you are looking for. This week I decided to answer the questions about carb rotation; the best breakfast and protein shakes as a substitute to meals. (more…)

Q&A: Is Whole Wheat Bread Healthy and How to Overcome the Fear of Eating Fat?

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Image source: http://www.wineandspices.com/bg/2/article/222/

Thanks to everybody who wrote me this week. Today I will answer the questions if whole wheat bread is healthy; how to overcome the fear of eating fats and how to get rid of the mania to work out everyday and find the balance! (more…)

Q&A: Everything About Night Eating Syndrome, Low Carb Eating for Vegetarians and The Perfect Afternoon, Healthy Snack

Continue ReadingQ&A: Everything About Night Eating Syndrome, Low Carb Eating for Vegetarians and The Perfect Afternoon, Healthy Snack

Another great pic by my friend Ivan Ezgonzal G 🙂

Thank you all, for the great messages you send me. You really make my life complete! This week, I picked up a couple of the most interesting questions that some of you had for me, and I decided to answer them.

This week I answer to the questions how a vegetarian could follow a low carb, high-fat diet; how to substitute the afternoon snack of a slice of bread, butter and meat and make it a healthier one; what to do when your parents do not accept your lifestyle and how to cope with eating during the night. (more…)

Q&A: Everything about The Chocolate Diet, Sprinting Workouts and Raw Nuts

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Image source: http://marica.bg/show.php?id=94882

Last week I decided to start a Q&A(HERE), where every week I will choose a couple of your questions, and share my opinion about them on the blog! This week I will respond to the questions if the chocolate diet is healthy, what do workouts with sprints look like and if I eat raw nuts! (more…)

Q&A: Everything about Peanut Butter, Workouts at Home and Nutrition for Beginners

Continue ReadingQ&A: Everything about Peanut Butter, Workouts at Home and Nutrition for Beginners

The beautiful Bella Falconi

Lately I am receiving a lot of messages and unfortunately I can’t respond to all of them personally! That’s why I decided that once a week I will choose the most frequently asked questions, and I will respond to them here. Thus, everybody who has a similar question, will have the opportunity to read my opinion, without having to write me. I want to thank everybody, who sends me a message! I am trying to read everything and more often than not, I try to respond as many people as possible, but when that doesn’t happen, do not take it personally! I promise that one way or another, you will get the answer you are searching for! (more…)

Q&A: Myths About Low- Carb, High-Fat Diets Debunked

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Today it is time for me to get in the role of answering questions, and my invisible friend will be asking them! Our conversation is gonna revolve around low-carb, high-fat diets; common myths about them and the use of a ketogenic diet!

Q: Ok, last week I think I understood why a high fat diet isn’t going to raise my cholesterol and that it is insulin I should watch like a hawk. I’ve been thinking a lot to start eating a high fat, low carbohydrate diet, but I still have some concerns.
A: Glad you understood my explanation. Go ahead and tell me what scares you about eating a high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Hope I could help!

Q: You know that carbs are essential nutrients for life. After all they are the preferred body fuel. How am I gonna be healthy if I rely on fat to be my main fuel?
A: (more…)

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