Как мина седмицата ви? Надявам се, че живеете все по-здравословно и влизате във все по-добра форма ( и физически и психически). Аз нямам търпение да ви споделя, че първата ми безплатна, електронна книга, вече е факт. Можете да си я изтеглите ТУК (FREE E-Book- 30 Exercises on Becoming a Wonder Woman ).
След това намерете време за най-интересните статии, които прочетох тази седмица. Пожелавам ви прерасен уикенд!
Първо, статиите InspiredFitSTrong за изминалата седмица:
Всичко, което трябва да знаете за авокадото
Доказателството, че жените трябва да вдигат тежести
За живота и бавното натрупване на смисъл
А сега най-интересните статии, които прочетох:
Photo Essay: Chicago Skyscrapers
How to Handstand Better Than Luke Skywalker
6 Reasons Why Vegans and Doctors Are Wrong About Animal Protein
The Island Where People Forget to Die
CrossFit Put To The Test, Comes Out On Top: Study
3 cleans, 3 different styles of movement
Kentucky Strong: Mental Barriers
Satisfy That Halloween Sweet Tooth
5 Running Tips for the Non-Runner (From a Non-Runner)
Strength Matters, You Big Sissy
Simple Steps to Stop Procrastinating About Your Fitness and Nutrition
Making Music: Why You Should Pick Up an Instrument and Start Playing
Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime
One man’s journey to greater mobility (with pictures!)
5 Lessons Learned From AJ Roberts & Westside Barbell
Why We Chose Ghost to Take You Behind The Scenes at Envato
Releasing What No Longer Serves You
I Really Hate It When I Procrastinate
Physician Advocates Low Carb- High Fat Ketogenic Diet for Athletes
What’s The Best Way to Climb to The Top
Learn a Language in Three Months
The Top 10 Fiction Books for Non Fiction Addicts
The 10 Best Charles Bukowski Quotes
10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Child about Food
These 20 Photos Are Going to Make You Cry
Finally Thin: Is Food Prison Worth It?
Loneliness Illustrated So Beautifully
15 Things a Weightlifter Should Have in Mind
The 11 Differences Between Dating a Girl vs a Woman
Sweden Becomes The First Western Nation to Reject Low Fat Dogma
The King of Hamstring Exercises
A Higher Level of Productivity
13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick and Fat
How Cereal Transformed American Culture
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Reinventing Yourself
SkinnyFit: CrossFit’s Other Dirty Little Secret
2013 CrossFit Games Review: An Analysis by Coach Michael FitzGerald
Does motivational self-talk improve performance? (Hint: yes)
Should You Use Scale Weight as a Measure of Success? Hint: No
Why CrossFit Coaches Need Anatomy: Bones, Muscles, and Lifting
Carbohydrates: Let’s All Take A Breath
How Novice and Intermediate Runners Should Train For a Marathon
10 Things I Hate About You (At the Gym)
За проблемите на съвременното образование ( ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ!)
Да те нося на ръце или да се носиш на криле?
Светла Тодорова за твореца във всеки един от нас ( ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ!)
Най-вредните храни в нашите магазини
Уникално интервю с Иван Абаджиев
П.С. Ако тази статия ви е харесала, моля отделете минутка и я споделете с вашите приятели! Много ще съм ви благодарна!
поздравления за книгата, Инес 🙂