You are currently viewing Podcast #13: Jeff Rothschild – Intermittent Fasting, Female Athletes Nutrition and Circadian Biology

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In this podcast, Jeff gives amazing advice for endurance athletes, when it comes to nutrition manipulation around different workouts; some important considerations for the female athletes and how different phases of the menstrual cycle can impact performance and carb cravings; as well as, we discuss really interesting topics around fasting, circadian biology and night shifts. Last, but not least, Jeff shared how he found the passion and courage at the height of his career in the music business, to leave everything behind and start over in a completely different field, while becoming a really knowledgeable coach and health expert.

Jeff Rothschild

Jeff Rothschild is a Registered Dietitian (RD) with a Master’s degree in Nutritional Science. He works with a variety of clients including elite ATP and NCAA tennis players, endurance athletes, boxers, swimmers, and a number of touring musicians at TriFit in Santa Monica, CA. Jeff is also a writer for the monthly research digest, and teaches college sports nutrition at CSU Los Angeles.

Jeff’s main areas of interest are sports nutrition, meal timing, intermittent fasting, and circadian rhythms. He has co-authored multiple scientific research papers that have been published in peer-reviewed nutrition and food science journals, served as a reviewer in the peer-review process for journals, and has presented his research at national nutrition conferences. He is also an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and has spent five years as the assistant tennis coach at CSU Los Angeles. Jeff helped the Golden Eagles earn national Top-25 rankings each of those years, and was a two-time winner of Assistant Coach of the Year for the West Region by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. Beyond nutrition and coaching, Jeff has competed as a cyclist and continues to play competitive tennis.

In This Episode We Discuss

  • How Jeff decided at the height of his music career to leave everything behind and start from scratch in a completely different field and become an expert in health, nutrition and well being.
  • Fueling for peak performance vs peak adaptation
  • Nutrition manipulation for the endurance athletes that can be applied considering the workout an athlete just had and the workout he needs to do next
  • High fat low carb diets for endurance sports
  • Structuring training programs and nutrition plans for female athletes
  • Menstrual cycle and how it affects performance and hydration status
  • Circadian biology and shift work
  • Fasting as a tool

Links and resources mentioned in the podcast:

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