Today I have another great guest who has dedicated her life to living for something more than her own personal goals. Her name is Nicola Rinaldi. She has written the outstanding book “No Period. Now what!”, which is a really comprehensive guide to recovery from hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). Nicola was diagnosed with HA and she spent a lot of time researching and trying to recover first herself and then to share the knowledge she gained with every woman who wants to gain her health back and have a healthy and natural pregnancy.
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Nicola Rinaldi, PhD
Nicola has a PhD in computational biology Image courtesy of Michelle Baileyfrom MIT. After graduating she worked for a biotechnology company while pursuing her dreams of a family, which were thwarted by a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea (no period). Eighteen months of trying to conceive followed. She spent hours on research, using the knowledge gained to work on recovery.
Concurrently, she tried the medical route to pregnancy, with multiple doctor visits, injections, and ultrasounds resulting only in failure. Ultimately, she was able to achieve a natural pregnancy. Since that time, Nicola has shared her knowledge of the path to recovery, helping hundreds of others achieve their dreams of womanhood and pregnancy. She has spent the last three years as a stay-at-home mom, with her three boys, Antony, Timmy, and Cameron, while writing this comprehensive guide to recovery.
In This Episode We Discuss
- Defining hypothalmic amenorrhea and understanding potential causes
- Difference between PCOS and HA
- The consequences of having HA and being treated fro PCOS
- The path to recovery – what is the time frame and what are the challenges
- Nutrition and exercise changes for recovering from HA
- Body fat set point and losing your period
- Low fat dairy and increase in androgens
- Other health consequences from losing your period, besides fertility
- Support group for recovery
Links and resources mentioned in the podcast:
- No Period Now What Book
- HA versus PCOS info sheet and chapter (free download)
- No Period Support Group
- The Body Positive Movement