No matter how good you live, there comes a time when you need to let go of one of your wisdom teeth. Besides the fact that now, I will need to read more in order to compensate for it ;), I can’t eat the way I usually do. But that doesn’t bother me at all, because now I can prepare delicious purees and eat more sea food.
Today I prepared this delicious broccoli and cauliflower puree with shrimp.
200 grams broccoli
200 grams cauliflower
1 table spoon butter
10-15 grams sesame seeds
dried veggies ( I have leeks, onion, carrots, peppers, parsley and other green spices)
home made bone stock
4-5 black olives without the pit
marinated shrimp or some kind of fish
Boil the broccoli and the cauliflower. Drain the water and puree them, together with the butter. Add some bone stock. Then add the olives and stir again.
Add the dried vegetables and spices.
Then put the sesame seeds in the pan for a couple minutes, until it gets brown. I know this is not the best option, but I really craved something baked.
Sprinkle the sesame seeds on top of the puree and add shrimp or fish.