The mind loves to get attached. To belittle experiences and existence and then pack them and stuff them in the frames of the well-known.
The mind loves to put labels on reality and arrange it in predicted order of happening. Labels, which do not allow us to see in the unbounded Universe and obtain from its abundance. Labels, which draw the perimeter of our own existence. Walls, which keep us in captivity, give birth to the feeling of hopelessness and sustain the notion that what we see, exhausts what we can become. And in reality the visible, doesn’t exhaust the opportunities. The visible is just hinting about the courage of those who dared to search and discover beyond the limitations of the well-known, the secure!
The mind fixates the world in a spot and doesn’t allow it to broaden– enriched with the experience, the gathered pain and the wisdom which cured it.
The mind gets attached and fools us to put labels not only on what is around us, but also on what is inside of us.
The mind attaches our identity to the material world and convinces us, that this is who we are; that this exhausts the opportunities, the meaning and longings.
And every attachment by itself is followed by fear- the fear to lose- yourself and your identity; the label, which informs the world about your value. And isn’t it ridiculous! To live in fear of losing something, which couldn’t define our true essence…
The labels are our package– the one which protects us from scratches, wounds and the destructive actions of people who do not have place in our life.
The “wrapper” is meant to preserve us in particular moments, but “the wrapper” is not who we are.
Just like the wrap of a candy bar- the value is not in the shiny package or its beautiful make. This is just the superficial- what’s seen on the surface.
Once you unwrap the package, behind which we hide, our true essence emerges and reveals who we are and what we are capable of. And in reality this is unlimited.
The mind attaches to the labels and the wrappers, with which we belittle the world and what is happening to the minor boundaries of the well-known. Then, we rarely let ourselves to unwrap the image, which other people have created about us and we rarely realize that in reality we are much different; that in reality we have the right to change; that we are capable of much more, than what we allowed to define and limit us.
The mind loves fixating the world in a spot. The mind loves to ignore the empty space and the potential, which is patiently waiting to be called from the world of the invisible and to be brought to life in the world of the visible.
The mind encages the personality in the frames of the common, the well-known, the secure. The mind captures the personality and doesn’t allow it to broaden and grow.
And then you’d ask why the world is full of so many sad and unsatisfied people?
To live in the captivity of your own existence. To be a hostage in the cage of your own life and never realize the fact that you are the one placing the bars… that in each moment you are capable to leave who you believe you are today and dare to be who you feel you can become!
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