It’s time for Sunday deliciousness! I love pork steak and mushrooms, and the combination of both is my favorite! So here is a great recipe to cook the best steaks ever!
4-5 pork steaks
600 grams mushrooms
60-70grams butter
The juice of 1 lemon
Fresh spices: oregano, basil, rosemary
black pepper, mixed pepper, salt
Heat some butter in a pan.
Put the steaks one by one, and hold them for 10-15 seconds, until they become “golden”.
Then arrange them in a baking dish.
Cut the fresh spices and mix them with the lemon juice, the pepper and some salt. Spread the mixture on top of the steaks.
Add one cup of water. Put a lid on top and beak in the oven for 40 minutes.
Cut the mushrooms and stew them with one cup of water, butter, black pepper and salt. Stew for about 10 minutes.
After you’ve baked the steaks for 40 minutes, take them out, remove the lid and add the mushrooms.
Put the baking dish in the oven, without the lid and bake for another 10-15 minutes!
Serve them with green salad!
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