It’s January and as always it is a really busy month! And not because I was lazy during the holidays! I just have exams, I am participating in a project about a book and I have a lot of work with my clients in the gym! 🙂 But besides the fact that I don’t have as much time for reading, as I’d like, everything is perfect!
I am slowly increasing the weight on each exercise and I hope that next week I will be able to introduce deadlifts to my workouts again! I can’t wait to be strong and pain free again, so I can be back to beast mode! 😉
Hope you had a great and productive week! Don’t blow everything during the weekend. Eat clean and move more!
Meanwhile, read my favorite reads of the week!
First, the posts on InspiredFitStrong for the past week:
Ladies: The One Exercise That You Always Avoid, Yet It Will Help You Become Fitter
Finally! The Reason Why You Never Manage to Lose Weight and Become Fitter
What is The Biggest Mistake You Make When You Choose Exercises for Your Six Pack
Mariya Georgieva: A Life Where Limitations Do Not Exist
Solitude- An Escape (Path) to Self
Healthy, Gluten- Free, Raw, Carrot Bites
And now my favorite reads of the week:
How Forrest Gump Will Help You Make 2013 a Success
Whiten Your Teeth Naturally with No Dangerous Chemicals
Gluten Issues or Celiac: Don’t Drink Coffee
Thoughts about Crabs and Paleo
Carbing Up on the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Raw Recipe: Simple Almond Cheese
Excellent Learning Resource by Ben Bruno
How to Do Cardio with Bad Knees
10+1 Tips for Strength Coaches by David Adamson
The Comprehensive Guide to the Snatch by Wil Fleming
Massage and Acute Injuries: The Inflammation Phase by Patrick Ward
Massage and Acute Injuries: The Regeneration Phase by Patrick Ward
Life, Death, and What Happens in Between by Molly Galbraith
Badges of Success in Training the General Population by Geoff Girvitz
The Real Rules of Assessment by Tony Gentilcore
An Explosive Squat Is a Bigger Squat by Chad Wesley Smith
Get Glutes Service from Bret Contreras, Kellie Davis, and Marianne Kane
Get Ready to Peak by Rachel Cosgrove
Be a Man Among Men by Pavel Tsatsouline
Five Things To Help You Avoid Going Over the Physical Cliff by Mike Boyle
Train With a Purpose by Tony Gentilcore
Half Kneeling Vertical Pallof Press by Tony Gentilcore
Hip Extension and Rotation in the Baseball Swing by Jeff Albert
Active Interaction: Zero Calories Socialization by Neghar Fonooni
Strength Training for Parkour by Ross Enamait
Why We Should Visualize by Todd Bumgardner
The Truth For Tall Lifters by Lee Boyce
The 4 Minute Pushup Test by Martin Rooney
Do Your Chores by Nick Collias
Selecting Strength Exercises with Five Examples by Steven Rice
A Tip on Coaching New Exercises by Stevo Reed
“Do I Look Fat?” by Jen Comas Keck
Yoga for the GGS by Alli McKee
Alter Your Reality by Martin Rooney
Pills? Shots? How Bout a Little SMR? by Kelsey Reed
1 Arm Variations from Doug Spurling
12 Things I Learned in 2012 by Doug Spurling
Interview with Matt Chan: One of the Crossfit Originals
Some Reasons Why You Should Stop Stretching Your Hip Flexors
P.S. If you liked this post, please take a minute and share it with your friends! I’d greatly appreciate it!
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And one pic from my workout yesterday! 🙂