It’s the end of January. Remember the New Year’s resolutions? How far did you make it? Did you even start with some of your resolutions? Or they are just somewhere in the history? Have your life changed for the better?
Did you ever ask yourself the question “Why do some people succeed and others don’t?” Ok, take a second to think it over! And do not tell me how everybody has a different start, how some people are lucky and others aren’t! All the answers that exclude you from the reason for success or failure…well I do not wanna hear them! Truth is that everything we need in order to meet up our expectations lies inside of us!
Have you heard stories about people who quit smoking for a couple years and then came back to the old bad habits? About the lady that lost a bunch of weight and then gained it back? What does that show? Everybody could be anything he or she wants! But that is the problem! Life is about being somebody not about doing something! If you wanna be more, you have to dedicate yourself to actually being better, being thinner, being a non smoker and etc!
Nowadays we all have access to a vast amount of information. We could all get the best diets, the best workout programs and so on. But how come some of us work their path to success and others don’t? In order to use the opportunities that life gives you, you should have a personality, a character that will match these opportunities.
Let’s say that you have the best coach and the best diet in the world. You want to lose 50 pounds. You would give anything to do it, or so you thought! You will start out with working out 4 times a week, eating clean and everything. In a month you will start slacking- maybe skip one or two workouts, start cheating more often and soon your healthy living will be a history and you will be even fatter! Why is that?
Because it doesn’t matter how good are the tools, if you can’t work with them. If you are not motivated, if you can’t show some will, commitment. If you can’t push yourself out of your comfort zone, you are not gonna make it!
Most people spend their lives searching for the best opportunity, the best solution to their problem and the solution has always been there…inside of them!
Instead of working on creating the right opportunity, we should start working on ourselves and our abilities. Thus, when we are ready, the right opportunity will be there waiting for us, and we will have the qualities that will match it! The qualities that will let us use it and reach our full potential!