“Don’t compare yourself to others! Compare yourself to the person from yesterday!”
You can’t do it!
It is too hard!
Many people tried, but failed!
They were better than you, but they still didn’t reach that goal!
How many times have you heard this? People that got scared of life, of dreams and of the unknown.
Elder people, yet people so small!
People that always search for a way to belittle your ambitions, for a way to make you a quitter, a mediocre person like them!
I want you to be deaf for their voices. I want you to hear nobody and nothing but the beat of your heart!
The sound of your heart beating, when the desire, the passion, the determination and bravery take over your body and mind!
They failed? So, what? You are not them! You are yourself! You have unique talents, personality, experience, goals and a path to walk!
There aren’t two dreams that are alike!
They might be similar, they might have something in common, but two people’s dreams are NEVER THE SAME!
The executor is different!
And that itself is a reason big enough, to give you strength, belief and never ending will to try one more time!
Everyone of us is born to be GREAT!
Nobody is a loser, unless he believes he is a looser!
You can make a difference!
Don’t believe it?
Think about every single person you meet on the way to work, to the gym, to school…
You could be their difference!
Don’t accept the fact that you are not worth, what you want!
Just wake up with a smile, go through the day with passion, determination and desire, and go to sleep with anticipation for the morning to come, and new opportunities to be present!
Be who you long for to become!
Because YOU CAN!
Are you gonna chase your dreams today? Or are you gonna be just the next quitter?
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