You call that feminine and normal…
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Yet you consider this to be bulky, masculine and abnormal!
You think it is normal to fuel your body like this…

But you “don’t understand it” when somebody fuels his body like that!
You don’t see anything wrong with eating junk food and processed foods and then, going there…

Because you are sick and tired…
But you judge people who eat healthy, nutritious food and go there…

… to make themselves better, healthier and stronger!
You call this to be normal…

going out every night and partying till late…

Then looking like this in the morning and feeling tired!
But you consider people who go early to bed, to be loosers!

But that is how they look and feel in the morning!

You claim people to abnormal, wierd, loosers and obsessed, when they have goals, when they know what they want, strive for it, work hard for it and achieve it!
But you consider people to be normal, when they follow the herd.
But common doesn’t mean normal!
Just because almost everybody indulges in eating junk food, it doesn’t make it normal!
Just beacuse almost everybody you know parties every night, it doesn’t make it normal!
Just because every other girl spends countless hours putting on make up, doing hairstyles and turning herself in a clown, that doesn’t make it normal!
Normal… is what led us to obesity. Normal is what led us to become irresponsible, to lose our values and moral. Normal is what is making us depressed, sick and tired of living!
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of being normal! That’s why I take the risk to be called obsessed, boring, wierd and abnormal!
That’s why I am taking the chance to be different and make a difference!
Are you willing to be normal, or you refuse to follow the herd and dare to be different…to make a difference… to be the difference?
Don’t forget to download my FREE E-Book- 30 Exercises on Becoming a Wonder Woman. Download it HERE.
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Yes! Finally something about vigrx efek samping.
@Chrysta I am also glad that you are one of us 😉 .. and you know different! Just be an example for other people, and hopefully you will teach more people how to live healthy and happy! 🙂
I lvoe this article. its so true…and so sad too that so many people think junk and meds are normal. Im glad I know different!
Awesome post! LOVE IT! 🙂
Thank you, Maria!