Wishes are what you’d like to have without actually doing anything to get it!
Goals show commitment!
Wishes are just dreams floating in eternity and never become a product of reality.
…goals are dreams with deadlines!
Wishes have no power-they won’t change your life!
Goals, though, are a mighty weapon- they lead to success!
Wishes are a set of ideals that you might like to see happen in a perfect world or under the right circumstances…
Goals are a set of smaller steps, following one after the other, and when put together, they lead to success!
Wishes can be vague!
Goals are specific!
A wish doesn’t have to be realistic or achievable!
…goals are manageable and attainable. They are something that you have a desire to pursue on an ongoing basis!
Wishes are left on the will of faith. You don’t do anything to get them, you just wait and hope!
Achieving your goals is up to you! They depend on the actions you take, towards getting where you want to be!
Wishes are the concern of the mind….
…goals are the concern of the spirit.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my mother! Thank you for everything!